Only babas | Gem, Keralis, Jevin

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CGs: Keralis, Jevin

Little: Gem

prompt: Gem wants to hang out with her babas/uncles but they have no clue what they are doing

Gem was in her base building some interior and after a while she got a fuzzy feeling but brushed it off. Eventually she was just placing and breaking for the fun of it and then realized she wanted someone to take care of her, she tried to convince herself that she didn't need it but gave up fighting with her brain. She didn't want to bother her mama, Cleo, who was probably busy doing armor stand work but she knew that Keralis wasn't too far as he flew over to her base earlier.

As she thought, he was in his shipyard and unsurprisingly flirting with Jevin but hearing her hooves clopping on the deck as she landed has gotten their attention. "baba" she said with a big smile on her face "wh- at?" said jevin with the most confusion he could ever have. "Oh! Shashwammy told me about this! um... age regression! da!" Keralis looked at Gem for approval by which he got a nod and hopefully happy hoove stomping "what's that?" Jevin asked "well, basically, its a coping mechanism where your brain turns younger and i know shashwammy does it and if i remember correctly Gem's 'mama' is Cleo" Keralis explain and rambled "oh, maybe we should get Cleo" Jevin proposed but he instead got replied with angry stomping of Gem's hooves and her whining "I think that's a no" Kerlais mentions the obvious "Why not little one?" Keralis talks directly to Gem "No bother mama" she replies "Why not?" he asks again "mama workin" "oh but of course, your mama is very busy, that is why you want to stay with me and jevin?" keralis somewhat asks.

"anything you wanna do?" Jevin questions, the only answer he got was Gem placing and breaking a block "No words day?" Cleo asks as she flew in the shipyard and immediately Gem was starting to get upset because her mama was focused on her and not their work and Gem felt bad about it. "Darling, there's no need to be upset, did i startle you?" Cleo asks trying to get closer to her kid "Uhm.. Cleo, Gem said she didn't want to bother you during your work" Kerlais stated and before Cleo could reply Jevin added "also by her body language, I think she feels bad for you having to take care of her instead of you doing your armor stand work" "Oh, deer, you should never feel bad, I have all the time in the world for you and armor stands" Cleo explains to Gem. Gem was still unsure and wouldn't go for a hug but accepted head pats. "I'll leave you with uncle keralis and uncle jevin but i'll come back when i'll be finished with the armor stands, alright"

"So you wanted to build, what do you want to build sweetface?" Keralis asked as Cleo left, Gem took out her communicator that has an ACC app that helps her communicate and the comm said Heart "You want to build a heart, that's so cool!" Jevin replied with excitment, the one thing he knew about kids is that if you were excited about something they'd be equally as excited. "Oh oh! I know just the place for it! follow me" Keralis said and started walking "why aren't we flying?" Jevin asked "Because little Gem is not supposed to fly, like alot of the hermits that are little" Keralis explains "There's more!?" Jevin exclaimed by surprise "uh huh! and right here" Keralis say. The right here he was talking about was a semi flat surface behing the PvP arena of the ship yard, or some may consider it the front. Keralis and Jevin expected the heart build to be flat face on the ground but instead Gem was building up which confused both of them "Gem" Jevin called her "wa?" she looked up, or well down, in confusion "what are you doing?" keralis asked "buiwdin a heawt" she says "why up, why not flat on the ground?" Keralis asked "betaus me wan evyon to see me buiwd!" she exclaimed with clippity clops on the last concrete block she placed.

After a while of building with two amazing spectators, limited questions and alot of reactions, Gem was done. Her build was a little off centered and very much not symmetrical, false would probably be disappointed but it was a tiny Gem build and who could ever be mad at her. "Good job Gem! This is the bestest heart build I have ever seen!" Keralis complimented her.

The next day, while Gem was feeling big again, she decided to go and thanks keralis for taking care of her the day before. However, before she did that she saw that Keralis hadn't broken the heart she made while she was in little space and her face flushed red with embarrassment as she saw it and she heard a voice calling for her right in hearing range. "Keralis!" she smiled with her still rosy cheeks of embarrassment "why you so red Gem? I hope you aren't hurt!" Keralis asked with concern "no no, i just saw you kept the build i did yesterday" Her cheeks turn even more red than before, if that is even possible "Well of course! breaking it would just break my heart" Keralis exagerrated "You know it's okay to undo stuff I do in little space, if I kept everything I did in mine or Cleo's base the server would look like it was raided by 5 year olds" Gem explains "Well that would be because it was! So many hermits regress so I wouldn't be surprised!" Keralis replies "oh my" Gem giggles "I'm going to keep it, also because I had fun and every time I fly by it I smile" Keralis explains. Gem burried her face in her palms not sure whether to cry of happiness or giggle "keralis, you are too sweet" Gem giggled but was muffled by her hands. She wiped her face as her body also decided it was time for happy cries "oh nonononononono, no crying gem issok" Keralis worried and hugged her "Happy tear keralis, happy tears" Gem reassures him.

This is very close to one of my source memories and makes me happy, cleo helped me cuz my memories are a little fuzzy when I am small -gem

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