Maybe not in a lab | False & Stress

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Little: False
CG: Stress

Since the Empires crossover, False had to restart her research and experiments. Who was that alternate version of her, were there more? Ones that connected to her reality? Where is the rift from? Who created the rift? or how was it created? All those questions but not much answers. She went to get samples of the rift and the stone around it, a bit of the portal and also she already had her other version's sample of hair.

Back to her lab, she took out a disc from its pocket labeled "work time" and placed it in her jukebox nearby.

Listening to the songs, she moved around her lab with ease, grace and precision, or well, that's how Stress would describe her, at least looking from a roof through the lab's sun roof.

At some point during her experiments she had to wait for something and so she danced to the songs and got distracted. Luckily the lab had a major open space apart from the equiment since her dancing became much less coordinated and more child-like. Child-Like? Child-like!

Stress has realized that False had regressed in the middle of her research. She equipped her elytra and dived to the front door of the lab.

Everything made sense, her little playlist was on the disc. False must have changed them up when she was regressed by herself.

"Love?" Stress called. False got scared, jumped, got tangled up in a table and fell. Which led her to cry. "Oh no! I'm so sorry falsie, I didn' mean to make you jump lovely" Stress ran to give the little one a hug. "was dancin' an you scare me" False cried "I know darlin', I know, maybe we don't dance in your lab huh?" Stress said trying to comfort her. False nodded pressing her head against Stress. "Are you smaller than usual? like physically?" Stress asked realizing that False had hug her with her entire body. False nodded another time "...(time) travler magic" The little one answered "I see, alright, let's go somewhere that isn't the lab" Stress says picking the little up and went to get the disc out of the jukebox.

Stress got the two of them to the living room and placed False on the couch. "Got an age for me little one?" Stress asked "mm I fink seven" False replied "Hmm alrighty then" Stress thought and put a show on the tv for False the time she went to make food. She came back with a sandwhich cut into 4 triangles and gave the plate to False, who ignored the plate. "Love, you gotta eat, it's lunch time hunny" Stress told her. "Not hungy" False replied as her stomach made a grumbling sound "Hmm, that sounded like quite the opposite" Stress giggles "Are the bites too big love?" Stress asked, possibly understanding the problem. False nodded. Luckily, Stress had brought a butter knife and cut the four pieces into halves. "There you go love" Stress gave her the plate a second time "Fankies mama" False answered with her eyes still peeeled at the TV and ignoring her plate.

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