all the girls | Life series

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Littles: Cleo, Pearl, Lizzie & Gem
CGs: Etho, Mumbo, Joel, Scott & Impulse

Prompt: Before Secret Life started all the girls got a little space break (don't worry the guys had one after!)

*Roomies Base*
"This is just awkward" Cleo mentionned to Etho and Grian "I agree" Grian replied "I'm more used to myself regressing or taking care of Pearl, my sister" He explained "Well, I disagree, I take care of Bdubs, I don't know how different it would be" Etho said "Bdubs regresses down to age 3 and maybe lower, I stop at 5 so it is different" Cleo explained "and I want Joe" the zombie whined "Yeah, um unfortunately he's not in the life series, although Scott is here" Grian said "Scott!" Cleo echoed happily "You want to go see him?" Etho asked "Of course I do!" Cleo took offense to the question, her way of speaking started to be more high pitched "I'll bring you over there" Etho said noticing the zombie regress "I don't need you to walk me to Scott's house, I can do it by myself" Cleo argued "I know but still, I'm coming with" Etho simply said. A huff was heard from Cleo but she accepted that Etho would be walking with her to Gem & the Scotts.

*Cherry Blossom Base*
Gem had regressed in Impulse's arm, honestly, being held by Impulse just got her headspace dropping to a small little child. That's why, when she wasn't regressed, to show her affection, she would punch Impulse.


Someone had entered their base, and to no surprise it was Cleo! "Cleo! Hi!" Scott exclaimed "Scott!" She ran to hug him. Scott was not ready for impact and they both fell. Impulse came out of his house, with Gem in his arms, to check on the thud he heard. "Y'all alright?" Impulse asked watching the pile of Scott & Cleo "Keo!" Gem babbled with her pacifier in her mouth. Cleo heard her name and let Scott free. "Hi Gemmy" She said getting closer to the little deer. Cleo was greeted with happy stims "I wanna hold her" Cleo told Impulse "She may be a little too heavy for you Cleo, plus I don't think you're big enough to hold her proprely" Impulse explained "I'm old enough! I'm 7!" She admitted to being little "Well Gem is... How old are you  Gem?" Impulse asked as he had forgotten. The little lifts up one finger unsure, puts it down and shrugs. "Gem is barely one, but you can play with her inside if you want" Impulse suggested. Cleo whined, she didn't want to go inside. "Why not outside?" she asked curiously "Gem has a tendency to crawl at non safe areas when she's that small." Scott explains to the little. "Hm, I see, then we can go inside"  Cleo replied. Gem wasn't to happy to be placed down but once she saw Cleo, she crawled her way in the zombie's arms.

*Mounders base*
For Pearl, it wasn't new to regress around Mumbo but definitely around Bdubs. She struggled getting in her headspace, mainly since she was embarrassed but the love and nicknames that Mumbo and Bdubs gave her help alot. "So how old is the little mothling now?" Mumbo asked seeing as she was talking less and more observing the two others talk. "Free" She replied. "That's quite little huh?" Mumbo thought out loud. Pearl nodded, she was never a big fan of words while she was regressed. "Cuddles" Pearl whispered "Hm? what did you say honey?" Bdubs asked "Cuddles!" She whispered louder "Oh! Of course we can cuddle!" Bdubs answer "Both of us?" Mumbo asked "Mhms! Bee-bubs an Mu'bo" Pearl answered "Anything you need before we do cuddle pile?" Mumbo asked. Pearl pointed to her mouth for a paci. Bdubs found a paci and a clip and clipped the paci to Pearl's shirt and gave her the pacifier. Then all three had a cuddle pile.

*Fairground on the mound*
Lizzie was always easily regressing around Joel, even if Joel had absolutely no clue how to take care of a 5 years old. Although, that didn't stop him to care about Lizzie. "Liz, that's like the tenth time you're going down the helter skelter, you're gonna be dizzy and also very uncomfortable in wet clothes" Joel told her. She proceeded to pull her tongue at him. 5 years old Lizzie was not an angel, she was very much a little devil. "Please stop hunny, I don't want you crying about this" Joel almost pleaded her to stop. Lizzie stopped at the top of the helter skelter, she watched her caregiver, he seemed sad (little did she know it's all a trick) she didn't like when Joel was sad, that made her sad. So instead of going down the slide, she took the stairs down and went to Joel "Sorry" She whispered "It's alright love, how about we get clean and dry clothes for you?" Joel suggested. The little one nodded. Joel found a pink onesie and gave it to her, he let her in the helter skelter to get change and went outside, she was old enough to get changed by herself right? It was taking a while so he went in an checked on her. The little had gotten her onsie one but she decided that tipping over all the chests was a good idea. Joel sighed, never leave small lizzie out of sight. With that mental note taken, he took once again a sad look. He and Lizzie cleaned up the mess and then lied down in the grass cuddling, perfect for cloud watching.

A/N: this will be my last post for a while due to shubble speaking up, it has brought my attention to certain stuff i had endured and as much as i love shubble and such, my next story is about her and tommy and it currently feels wrong to write about her, i can't explain it but please go support shubble!

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