Puppy! | Ren & Pearl

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A/N: requests and comments make me super duper happy!!! so don't be shy and ask on any chapter!
CG: Ren
Little: Pearl
Prompt: Ren finds a regressed Pearl in her tower (Double Life)

Ren was just evicted from his Box by BigB, so why not join with the others that were 'evicted'. He started with Pearl, she may not have been the closest but Ren needed a walk.

Arrived at the tower he called "Pearl! Are you here?" No answer. Tilly barked. "Pearl must be in her tower, I can hear her dog" Ren thought to himself. He cautiously walked in the tower and climbed the ladders. It was a long journey to the top, the tower was very tall. "Pearl?" He called as he got closer to the entrance. He heard shuffling, a chest closing and sheets scrambling and a buzzing sound, the sound Pearl's wings made at any feelings she had. He was worried.

As he entered the top of the tower, he saw Pearl sitting in a corner, with her pup, seeming absolutely mortified. "Hey, don't be scared, I won't hurt you" He whispered getting closer very slowly. Tilly didn't like him getting close to her owner, much less another dog, so she growled at the dog hybrid. "It otay Tilly, I fink he be nice now" Pearl explained to her pup. That single phrase made everything click for Ren. Pearl was regressed in a death game. No wonder she was frightened. "Hey mothling, how about we go on your bed?" Ren suggested in the softest voice possible "Mmm tays! Puppy also?" Pearl agreed and asked. "The puppy can also come, yes" Pearl frantically shook her head "You puppy" She pointed at him "Oh! you want me to go on your bed with you?" Ren clarified and got an eager nod from the moth hybrid.

They both went on the bed, Pearl got all comfortable and asked for 'cubbles' which Ren happily agreed to. Pearl started sucking her thumb but Ren quickly removed it, which he almost had the wrath of a tantrum before offering the one pacifier he had brought from hermitcraft. "Much better, isn't it? Thumbs don't taste very good"
"Mhms, whys pubby hewe?" Pearl babbles through her paci. "It's a long story, I'll need to talk to big Pearl about it" Ren said "I big" She proudly says "Ah yes, my apologies, you are quite big but it's also time to sleep" Ren explained "Bu mof no sleep" Pearl 'argued' Ren had a feeling that Pearl would have an excuse for anything he said. "Well, dogs do little one" Ren explained "mmm I pet pubby, so pubby go seep!" Pearl suggested her eyes getting heavy "Great idea" Ren encourage, he was more than okay being pet by little ones and he was pretty sure Pearl was gonna fall asleep before he did. And he was right, the mothling was fast asleep before petting his tail for a fifth time.

"Goodnight little moth"

The next morning Pearl woke up with what she thought was Tilly's tail wrapped around her waist, a comfort she loved. But when she turned to look she saw the dog hybrid and gasped, quickly putting her hand on her mouth not to wake him up. He must've been a light sleeper since he woke up. "Good morning Pearl" He said as if this situation was absolutely normal. "I- um, uh-" The moth stuttered. Ren unwrapped his tail from Pearl to get up and stretch. Pearl sat there thinking about how that simple gesture made her feel colder than when she was purposefully in powdered snow. "I got evicted from Box, needed a walk, so i walked to here and found you regressed and then I took care of you and you 'forced' me into 'cubbles'" Ren chuckled "I'm so sorry, Ren-" Pearl got cut off "Don't you worry, It honestly helped me and I hope I helped you too" Ren said "You did" Pearl quietly replied "I must leave before others look for me" Ren said his goodbyes.

The warmth of hope of having a new friend got smaller and smaller as the dog hybrid went down the ladder.

"I'm not supposed to have a friend, that's not how this story is supposed to go" Pearl whispered to herself, Tears blurring her vision

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