11. Family History

177 11 3

Damian Reid

It turns out a student at Faber University has committed suicide, which is not disclosed to the public at the moment, and the student's best friends have suddenly gone out of the city, too. In order to gather the basic details of the situation, I was asked to visit the University Director.

Talking with him while walking along the corridor past the cafeteria, I notice River talking with his friends. He notices me and I give him a little smile before leaving. I had no idea he attended this university. Well, I know only a little about him.

"I don't want a single thing regarding this matter reaching the public, Officer. Because I worry about the reputation of this university." the Director says to me with a shake of my hand.

I wait as he selects the details given by the staff regarding the dead student as well as the ones who have fled. While he's at it, I take out my phone and send a text to River.

I put the phone in my pocket as the Director hands me all the details with a firm smile. I walk out of his office with much dissatisfaction and disappointment.

This whole case ruined my day. I came here to do my duty, but it turns out there's more to it.

It always frustrates me to know that this world runs on money. Those who have money will do anything to protect their dignity, wealth, and power. This student's mysterious death, which doesn't sound like a suicide, is to be investigated secretly. According to the Director, he has paid a certain amount to that student's family to keep everything a secret.

The Director is not even thrilled about the idea of finding the culprits and the truth behind the student's death. He sounded like he wanted to close it off as suicide. How easy is that...

My lips tug to an involuntary smile when I see River waiting for me outside the corridor, his bag on the ground and scrolling through his phone.

He looks up as he hears my footsteps, and smiles.

"Why did you come here all of a sudden, Officer?" he asks.

He might be a brat, but he still calls me Officer.

"A recent case around here." I only say that.

I start walking to the parking lot with him quickly following me and walking next to me.

"It was really weird I suddenly saw you in my uni." he points out


"Yep. Did you go to university too?"


"Ohh! What major?"

"Criminal Justice. What about you?"

"I am doing a double major. Business and Finance," he says, showing me two fingers.

"So I am talking with a future businessman," I ask as I open the door to my side's seat. He quickly gets onto the passenger side seat.

"No! It's not like that!" he says with flushed cheeks.

"Why not?"

"I mean... owning a business sounds cool! But after doing this major, I don't know what kind of thing it is going to be."

"You can decide. Start from scratch or continue your father's business." I say, shifting the gears on my vehicle.

River keeps it silent at my words.

I look over at him to see him having a serious expression, not playful like before.

I drop River off at his place after talking about random things like how street food tastes so bad these days. I wave as he walks in. Then I drive off to the police station to submit all the files.

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