6. The Statement

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River Lockhart

After the gender reveal party, I leave for the city police station to give my statement regarding last night's incident. The drive through the rush hour traffic exhausts me to the point I wonder if I can not go to give the statement. But I think otherwise.

I have a hot police officer to impress.

As I walk into the station, I notice all the familiar faces of those who are very loyal to my dad. And I hate them... as usual.

One of them quickly comes to my side.

"Oh. What brought you here?" he questions.

"I was a witness to a crime incident last night. I came to give my statement." I let him know as I look around. "Where's Officer Damian? He's in charge of the case."

"Well. Giving the statement is not needed. Your father has done much to me, and I don't want to bother you with such a trivial matter-"

"Trivial? You don't even know what happened. A girl got harassed last night. Is it trivial?"

He quickly shakes his head, "It's not."

"Yeah. Where's Officer Damian?"

I hear footsteps, and I see the devil himself walking toward us, "Right here." he says, showing me the paper in his hands. "You have to fill this out and give the statement in a recording room."

"Sure." I quickly walk up to him and take the paper from his hands. Phew. He just saved me from that man who was ready to please me in any way he could.

Officer Damian leads me through a corridor. I decide to forget about the actual reason I am here and take a good look at him as we walk.

I stare at his loose hair from behind and his broad shoulders that I would die to touch and feel against the palm of my hand. I mean... it's not impossible, right?

Wait. What if he's straight?


I will have to bend him gay.

Officer Damian opens a door and we walk into a room which is empty. He closes the door behind us, and we walk into another room where I find a table and two chairs.

He points at one chair for me to take a seat. I find the setting very familiar as I've seen it in the movies a few times. I take a seat, and then he gives me a pen to fill out the form.

I take the pen and start writing my name and everything as he goes through some documents while seated in front of me. I write a bit and decide to spare a glance at him because it's a good chance. I might not get a chance like this again. It's only us in this small space and- yeah. I can't let go of this chance of looking at him as much as I want.

He's hot.

I don't realise I've been staring at him... or rather I should say starting at his lips that can do so many sinful things... (to me) and hands that have slightly visible veins in them. Oh my god, he's even hotter the more I look at him. Or am I exaggerating??

No way.

I could just moan at the sight of him in his uniform-

"Hey." he clicks his fingers in front of me.

"H-huh?" I ask.

"You were spacing out. Fill out the form," he says.

I look down at the paper and at him again. He looks really serious about the statement. I internally roll my eyes and continue writing while mumbling to myself, "Always serious and cold with me. You hate me or what?"

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