3. Police Officers

493 19 6

River Lockhart

I awkwardly stand in front of the police station. One of the places that I shouldn't be visiting since my dad is rather the opposite of everything here.

I step into the police station with the speeding ticket and the receipt tightly crumbled between my fingers. A police officer notices me and walks to me. I have seen him speaking with my father before, but I don't know his name.

"Did anything happen that you need help with?" he inquires with a bit of timidness.

"Umm... actually I am here for the new police officer. Damian Reid??" I ask him.

"I am sorry. Did he make any mistake to anger you??" he asks.

"No. Actually. He impressed me. I just wanted to see if he's here. Is he?"

"He's the Mobile Police Officer of this city so he's rarely in the police station. He's situated outside to spot high-speed drivers and to attend emergency calls," he explains.

"Is that so..." I mumble. "So if I want to meet him. He won't be here?" I ask.

"Unfortunately, no. But I can ask him to report to your mansion as soon as-"

"No need. It's rude to bother someone on duty."

I walk out of the station feeling bitter in my mind. The workers and officers walk past me while sparing a glance at me. They all know that I am the eldest son of Lockhart, who's known to be an infamous and dangerous businessman around here. I am also his 'famous' son who won't get anything from him in the future because I am a 'spoiled brat'.

It's so obvious that my father has bent all the officers' heads to his side so that if something goes wrong with his business, he would be able to slip past any punishments.

That's why I dislike the police station. Although standing high as "police officers", they bend their heads to my father. Even to me. Like meek mice, which is so pathetic in my eyes.

Will Officer Damian be the same when he gets to know that I am Mr Lockhart's son?

It's still a question.


So, just like that day, I visited the police station four times before feeling like giving up.

I meet another officer by the front and give him my paid ticket.

"Would you leave a message for me?" I ask him.

"Sure. What is it?" he asks.

"Officer Damian. Let him know that I paid the speeding ticket," I say.

He looks at the ticket with a puzzled expression, "You didn't have to pay for it. Why did he give you one?" he asks.

"I sped in the road, and he gave it to me. I paid for it a few days back. Can't you pass the message for me?" I ask, totally getting annoyed as everyone's been asking me the same thing for the past few days.

"I will- I surely will do."

So I walk out of the police station, still haven't seen that officer, wondering if he's actually not an officer here.

One week passes after handing the speeding ticket to that officer.

As I am in bed watching Netflix, I realise that I am kind of thinking about that strange police officer. I shift on my bed and rethink for the umpteenth time.

Why the hell am I even bothered about this whole thing?

Well. It isn't really a mystery why he intimidated me.

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