9. Lockhart Family

201 15 23

Damian Reid

I look at the brat next to me, who's looking at me with a serious expression with my speeding ticket book and pen in his hands.

"What?" I ask with a little laugh. I couldn't help but laugh at his long speech about being irresponsible. He frowns and balances the book on his knee.

"I am going to give you a ticket, Officer. But I will consider your age and give a little price." he literally copies the things I said the first time I met him.

"Really?" I tap my fingers on the steering wheel as I play along.

"Yes. What's your name?"

"SpongeBob SquarePants."

His face reddens in embarrassment, "I- um... no! It's Damian... Reid." he writes my name on the ticket and then turns to me again, "Age?"


"Fifty-six," he says with a glare.

I hold my laughter as I look out of the window. He's not only a brat but also a nuisance. He can be more than he appears to be sometimes. Really unpredictable.

"I am going to give you a big fine!" he declares.

"Oh, no. Don't give a big fine. I am not rich."

This makes him smile. He turns himself and hides what he's scribbling on the ticket and then tears the page away. He then places it on the dashboard. I look at it while driving but he has placed it upside down.

"Look at it later. Oh, we are here." he points toward the station.

I drive into the Police Station, and we get down from the car.

Then I take River into the station, where he signs his name, and Avril shows him the picture of the suspect that we have caught. It doesn't even take five minutes for everything to wrap up.

River nods, "It is one hundred per cent him." he says, and everything's finally done. Now we only have to catch the culprit and deal with him. Avril takes the picture to scan and sends it to the local police stations near the area we suspect he might be in.

"Will you be able to catch him?" River asks as we walk in the corridor to the entrance of the station.

"Well... Only rarely do guys who commit such crimes get arrested. Do you think all the thieves and Bulgars who steal get caught? All rapists are caught? No. This is how far we can gather up and use authority. It might be too late now, unfortunately." I explain.

"What do you mean?"

"Mateo Miles might already be in Canada by now. It took us a long time to get hold of him." I say through regret.

"It's not your fault, though. We can let the Canadien Police catch him, right?"

"We can send a request with the evidence. That process is long."

I take River outside and notice most of the police officers glancing at him and meekly moving aside. Which I understand and don't at the same time.

I check the time and take him to the police car only to get stopped by one of the senior officers.

"What are you doing?" Officer Blake walks to me and pulls me aside with him.

"What do you mean, Sir?" I ask.

"Why did you bring Mr Lockhart's son to the police station?? Once he gets to know, I'll be dead meat!"

"He came to help with a case. He was a witness to this crime scene-" I speak, but he cuts me off.

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