13. Professional Relationship

167 10 3

River Lockhart

"Oh, oh! Yes! So where will you buy me dinner? A restaurant?" I quickly ask, excited that we have a chance because of the dumb act I did that day out of jealousy. (He ignored me and answered a call.)

"Well, I am not sure. What kind of thing do you like?" Officer Damian asks before tucking the paper back into his pocket. "But before that. I want to talk about Gregory's case."

My lips lose the smile.

He's always about duties and nothing more. Here, I thought we were going to go out and have dinner together.

I look toward his mini car with the POLICE MOBILE SERVICE sign written in block letters across the doors. Without saying another word, I get onto the passenger side seat. He looks surprised to see me act as if it were my property. He gets onto the other side without saying another word.

As he gets in, I start speaking, "I don't know much about Gregory, but there was this rumour about him. To be honest, he wasn't the brightest kid in our class. But suddenly, he started acing the subjects, and the rumours started. But he was indeed going to a tutoring class to get more help. So I don't know. That professor was our Finance lecturer. He fancied Gregory because no one went to his boring classes, but Gregory did."

I stop midway to catch up with my breathing and continue,

"Gregory also had two friends... One was Rachel. I don't know the other one's name, and it always seemed like he was third-wheeling the other two. Their friendship wasn't the best. My best friend Lucas used to date Rachel for a few months, that's why I know the information. Do you want me to get more information from Lucas?" I ask although I don't want them to meet again because Lucas will connect the dots sooner than I can blink, and it will be chaos if he gets to know that I like a police officer.

"No, this is enough. Wow." Officer Damian mutters. "Thank you for the information. It might be useful."

"Okay... But why do you want the information? Do you think Gregory committed suicide because of his friends or the professor?" I ask.

"I can't give you any details because they are confidential. But the intel you gave was important," he says.

"Oh.." I pout a little before looking out of the window.

"So... I have to return to the station. You can go now."

Oh! So soon! It didn't even pass half an hour with everything that happened. There's no way I am leaving now! It's been one week since I saw him last time! I rarely meet Officer Damian, and to miss a chance like this-

I turn and offer him a smile, "Give me a ride home, Officer." I say.

"You are literally holding your vehicle key," he says with a snort.

I quickly look down at my waist, where I have buckled my Mercedes key to one of the belt loops. I cuss myself in my mind, 'Damn it, River.'

"Well..." I mutter, not knowing what exactly to say.

"The Air Conditioning of this car needs some repairing too. Why don't you drive your own today?" he asks.

Ahh. Why does he sound like a parent instructing a kid all of a sudden??

I nod my head, "I guess that's better. Um... dinner." I remind him again. I mean, although he does treat me like a kid, I don't want to lose my chances.

"Oh, yeah." he takes out his phone and checks something. "I have a full day break this coming Saturday and... Saturday is not available. How about Friday night?"

Saturday is not available, although it's a full day break... Omg. Does he have plans with someone else who's not me, someone who's the love of his life? Or his wife??

"Okay.. I'll get going."

I quickly get out of the car and get into my own. I see him looking in my direction until I drive off. I feel a bit heavy in my heart. It suddenly feels like nothing is going the way I want them to go. Mostly because he's too professional for anything to happen anyway.

After a painful three days, Friday arrives like a harsh beam of light against my face. It is Lucas at my front door, bringing the message that I should go to the mansion with him to meet my dad to talk regarding the 'important matter' that my dad said he has to tell me.

But it was supposed to be next week! I don't know why he's rushing it.

So I go out with Lucas, and he drives in silence.

He taps his fingers against the steering wheel as he looks out at the road.

"You do know what he's going to tell me, right?" I ask Lucas. He spares a glance at me before looking ahead at the road. A bead of sweat follows down his temple although it's moderately cold inside the car.

"Come on. What's going on??" I press in again.

He sighs in defeat and takes another few seconds of silence.

Then he shakes his head, "I know you like that police officer who gave you the speeding ticket." he breaks the silence after a while. My eyes widened in surprise because I thought I had hidden it so well.

"How... do you know?" I ask, a part of myself thinking that Ethan might've told him but the other part denying that Ethan would do something like that.

"You know that... although we have been best friends since a young age, my dad is your dad's secretary, and I am always told to keep an eye on you. A few months back, your dad asked me to report your weekly activities. I didn't want to do it. I didn't like it." he explains.

I feel shocked about the whole thing, "Why- why would my dad want to know what I do?" I ask.

"Ever since the employee scene-"

"Don't remind me of that!" I burst out all of a sudden. Lucas seems surprised at my outburst, but he doesn't comment on that. I really don't want to get reminded of that event...

Lucas continues driving as he speaks.

"Since your dad asked me to look at what you do, sometimes I did look out for you because I won't have an excuse if he asks me about anything. So when you gave me your vehicle key, I knew you were up to something, so I kind of found out about it. It all made sense that you said you liked someone, wanted to pay the speeding ticket, went to the police station a few times and all." he explains.

"But I was careful, and I only met him like... three or four times." I point out.

"We are best friends for a reason. I know your next step before you even think of it."

I sigh in frustration, "So where are we in the conversation anyway? We started from somewhere and came here.." I trail off.

"You might want to stop seeing that Officer. Temporarily or permanently," he says.

"What do you mean?"

"You'll know when we go there."

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