Chapter 6

909 13 4

"Hello" talking

(Hello) thinking

{Hello} me/author talking 

[Hello] text

Note: thank you alll for 455 reads i can't believe we are so close to 500 reads already ,this is happening during ep 5 and 6 of skibidi toilet multiverse


No one's POV {immediately after chapter 5}

Brown turns on his 4 buzzsaw arms and his PEG weapons as the thing that killed the agent walks out of the shadow of the hangar.

{This toilet will be called stitch mouth toilet and yes i drew it}

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{This toilet will be called stitch mouth toilet and yes i drew it}

Both stare at eachother waiting for one of them to make the first move, as brown fires at the stitch mouth toilet but it turns on its rocket boots and dodges the attack and flys at brown and swings his sword arms at him, as brown blocks it with the blades of his PEG's as brown stpes back from it and swings his PEG blade at the stitchmouth toilet but it  blocks and swings its axes to cut off his PEG blade but he pulls his arm back and flys backwords and fires his PEG's at the toilet as glowing lights start forming on the sides of the toielts armor which reveal to actually be lasers hidden inbetween the armor as it fires aswell the 2 blasts connect amd create am explosion forcing both of them to get otuside hte hanagr, as brown flys at the toilet before it oculd exit hte hangar to cut its legs but it side steps and grabs browns head and slams him into the ground.

As he quickly flys away to not repeat what happened when he fought hte insanity toilet, as both stand outside the hanagr and rush at eahc other the stitch mouth toielt swinging both its blades and axe arms at brown as brown uses his buzzsaws to hold block the blades and used his PEG blades to block the axes as the toilet fires its lasers brown flys sideways to dodge, the stitch mouth toilet reaches out its arms to try and grab brown but misses as brown flys behidn hte toielt and trys to pull its flusher but the stitch mouth toilet headbutts him away as it then punches brown i nthe gut and then grabs his neck as he turns on his buzzsaws to cut off the arm but the stitch mouth toilet lets go and retracts his arm before it could get sawed off as it fires its lasers again as brown fires his PEG in SS mode in hopes the toilet could get stunned and electrictued but it didn't as the 2 blasts create anotehr explosion as brown flys into the sky and starts firing at the stitch mouth toilet, as the toilet then turns on its rocket boots and dodges the shots and flys into the sky aswell and fires his lasers at brown but he flys sideways and fires at the toilet in return but it aswell flys sideways.

Both circle eachother in the sky not breaking eye contact, after a bit of silence both fire their respective blasts at each other again creating an explosion as both fly into the smoke of explosion swinging their blades/buzzsaws/axes blocking each others attacks as brown then knees the stitch mouth toilet in hte chin and trys to axe kick it but hte toilet blocks and punches brown away, as brown catches himself and siwtches to PS mode and fires at the stitch mouth toilet but it dodges and flys at brown and swings its left blade arm at brown but brown dodgss with only his right shoulder plate being cut off as he emits a sonicboom from his pseakers sendign the stitch mouth toilet away as he loads his PEG's preparign to fire some powerful shots, as the toilet tunrs back to face brown to only be met with 2 blasts heading straight at it, it turns on its rocket boots to the max and flys away barely enough as brown quickly rushes at it swinging his blades at its neck but hte stitch mouth toilet blocks and throws a punch at brown but he dodges and saws it off and axe kick the toilet sending it flying.

The stitch mouth toilet fires its lasers at brown but he dodges and trys to slash one of the toilets eyes mouth but it dodges and cuts off one of browns buzzsaw arms on his back, as brown spins around and punches the stitch mouth toilet away as it then rushes at brown, but he dodges and notcies the arm of the stitch mouth toilet reached out preparign to grab his neck, being reminded of what happened during his fight with the insanity toilet, he cuts othe arm off and blocks a slash from oen of hte axes of the toilet,  the sittch mouth toilet flys higher up in the sky and starts spinnign while firing its lasers downwards, as brown flys aroudn tryign to dodge the lasers, while brown was dodgign the lasers the stitch mouth toilet rips off the armor plate o nthe front of its toilet revealing a tv as the tv turns on emitting the red light, brown who was dodging the lasers notcies the red light and trys to cover his lens but hte stch mouth toilet ushes at brown and headbutts him onto the roof  of the hangar and pinning him their forcing him to look at the red light as browns buzzsaws slowly start moving towards his neck.

As the stitch mouth toilet watches happily not notcing as the part of hte roof they were on was slowly falling down due to getting hit by its lasers, as both immidietly fall back inside the hangar both get up as brown immedietly flys at hte toilet and punches it straight in the face and then gives the toilet a right hook then a left hook and then a uppercut then a kick to the face then a left hook hten a right hook then grabbing the toilet bowl and backdrops it behind him as the toilet lfys out from the hole in the roof of hte hanagr to get out as brown flys at the stitch mouth toielt at full forced and swinging his blades to cutoff the toielts legsand rocket boots but the toilet dodges nad turns on its tv's red light but it didn't turn on fast enough as brown knees the toilet in the face and then grabbign hte stitch mouth toilets neck and cuttign off the blades and axes of the toilet as brown throws the stitch mouth toilet into hte ground then landing on its toilet bowel as he forces hte mouth of the stitch mouth toilet open as hte toilet trys to scream in pain from it but gets its mouth filled by brown shovign both of his PEG's in its mouth and starts loading for a few seconds as the toilet trys to turns its rocket boots on or its lasers on but its to late as brown fires completely explodign hte skull of the stitch mouth toilet, as brown gets off the toilet bowel, he loosk to see the sun is starting to set, so he flys ontop of the very few undamaged roof of hte hanagr nad sat their, enjoying the sunset while the surrondign area of the hanagr is  in smoke from all the explosiosn lasers etc, as brown sat their enjoying the sunset, he knew he would have to find a new base cause the allaince has ofund htiso ne, but he was going to do that later and enjoy the moment.

Meanwhile somewhere else

A red shirt cameraman was walking down the halls of the cameraman base multiple thoguths running through his head he hoped that what he read was about brown, if it is, then that means his friend is alive, but what the other thigns he was thinkign about is why brown hasn't come back to the base or any alliance base and why is he being looked for and why negotiate him to join the alliance did he leave fir soem reason if so what is the reason, was some of the thoughts running through his head as he heard an alarm coming from his tablet so he turned it on to see an image of titan clockman captured, soemwhere else out in hte battlefield plugner cameraman had gotten the same message and was pissed, as when the dark speakerman and spekearwoman got the message they were both worried and tvwoman got it aswell and was also worried as it seems like alliance was gonna need some more help. As the screen fades to black

Hello readers so this is the end of begining  arc and the start of the next arc what that arc is called is a secret, and wow 1662 words. So it seems like brown is gonna need to find an ew base and the allaince is in a bad situtation right now, and to explain why the stitch mouth toilet went to brown's hanagr, is caused the stitch mouth toilet was sent to capture the insanity toilet cause hte insanity toilet escaped and was not obedient to the skibidi scientsit so the stitch mouth toilet was sent to bring the insanity toielt back for the scientsit toilet to make it obedient which is why it was annoyed hwen it found the dead body of the insanity toilet in the research library, so it decided the next best thing was kill the one who killed the insanity toilet and how could it have known brown was hte one who killed it, well the stitch mouth toielt took one look at him and from his weapons alone looked like the most likely one to have killed he insanity toilet welp see ya'll folks later

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