Chapter 4

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"Hello" talking

(Hello) thinking

{Hello}me/author talking

Note: this chapter is taking place at the same time as episode 4 of skibidi toilet multiverse


No ones POV {3 hours after chapter 3}

Brown was in the research library of the hangar he had fixed himself when he got back a few hours ago, and he was sitting on a chair disassembling the taser arm of the insanity toilet and his paralysis gun and used the parts of both and some other things make a new gun.

{To explain what this gun can do, it can fire out a electric paralysis beam that will both stun and electricute the thing it hits, it has to modes SS/splash shot, which basically everything around the thing it hits will aswell get electricuted and...

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{To explain what this gun can do, it can fire out a electric paralysis beam that will both stun and electricute the thing it hits, it has to modes SS/splash shot, which basically everything around the thing it hits will aswell get electricuted and stunned, and can be fired rapidly but its shots aren't as powerful as the other mode PS/power shot, which has far more powerful shots and can charge so the shots are stronger but  can't be fired rapidly or it will overheat the gun, and the blades on the gun are for close combat incase it will be to dangerous to fire the gun without hurting brown, and the long tube thing at the end of the gun is a jetpack turbine to increase the speeod of browns attacks in close combat in short bursts, and due to limited resources he has brown can only make one and yes i drew}

As brown puts the finishing touches on his new gun, he attaches it to his left arm, he walks out of the research library and enters his car and turns it on and drives out of the hangar and towards the same city near the hangar to maybe finally fully scout it out this time.

After getting their

Brown was driving through the streets of the city stopping by to collect things and to find any opponenets to test out his gun on, after a while of collecting things he stops the car infront a group of skibidi, 1 strider, 3 large toilets, 4 helicopter rocket toilets, and a samurai toilet {the one from ep 63} brown gets out of the car and quickly turns on splash shot and fires at the toilets with the strider 3 helicopter rocket toilets and the samurai toilet escaped from the attack as the 4 large toilet and 1 helicopter rocket toilet were stunned and electrecuted,as brown turns switches to pwoer shot and fires at the same skibidi that were stunned and electrecuted killing them, as the 5 remaining toilets all rush at him, the samurai toilet tries to strike brown to the ground ,but brown dodges and dodges another strike from the samurai toilet and another one, as brown flys backwords to dodge a bunch of rockets fired from the helicopter rocket toilets, as brown sees the strider try to stab him with its leg, but brown cuts it off and prepares to blow hte striders head off, but the samurai toilet jumps onto his back and repeatedly starts punching his camerahead, as browns buzzsaws try to cut the samurai toilet, but only cuts off its jetpack as it jumps off as the strider trys to crawl away, as he flys at hte strider and pulls its flusher.

As he fires at the 3 helicopter rocket toilets, as the 3 try to fly away but are to slow and are electricuted and stunned to death, as brown looks at the samurai toilet and rushes at it as the toilet does the same, as it rys to strike brown, he grabs it ajd tears it off the toilet and trys to use it to stab its head, but it dodges and attempts to strike brown again, but he dodges and turns on his guns turbine nad quickly slices the eyes of the samurai toilet as it begins to screech in pain, as he grabs it neck and being reminded of the insanity toilet, brown starts dragging its face across walls of buildings before throwing it high up in the air as he charges up his gun for 15 seconds before firing at the samurai toilet midair as it hits the toilet the entierty of the toilet is engulfed in a bright light killing it, as brown lands back on the ground, he gets back in his car and continues to look for parts and fully scout out the city.

Meanwhile somewhere else

At brown's hangar, multiple vans can be seen driving towards it, while the sun slowly sets, as something watches from within the forest as it slowly slips back into the darkness waiting patiently.

Meanwhile somewhere somewhere else

The skibidi scientist enters a lab filled with many other skibidi scientist all either typing things into computers making new inventions but a few with clipboards that seem to be some elite skibidi scientists observing a big tube of liquid wiht soemthing inside as the skibidi scientist joins the group and asks "skibidi dom dom oh yes yes |translation: what is the progress of project|" the skibidi scientist asks as naother replies "skibid skibidi dom dom |translation: the project is doing well, the subject has not died from the enhancements, injections etc|" as another says "dom dom oh yes yes oh yes yes|translation: and it has reached 17% to completeion even thowe have jsut started a few weeks ago|" as the skibidi scientist smirks with satisfaction and then says "oh yes yes |translaiton: good, another one of many projects are going well|" 

Meanwhile somewhere somewhere somewhere else

A certain red shirt cameraman had returned from a mission walking down hte halls of the cameraman base still not bale to find brown, while walking down the hall while passing by a cameraman and speakerman scientist he heard the 2 whispering to each other "do oyu think hte squads we sent will be able to get him to join" the cameraman scientist whispered to the speakerman scientist as he replied "i hope so, he would be useful" as the red shirt cameraman looked at hte 2 and asked "what are you 2 talking about?" The 2 look at him and walk away not naswering his question leaving him confused, but he shrugs it off nad decides to go to his room, but the thought of what thsoe 2 were talking about in the back of his mind, while at hte clockman base, clockwoman was watchign a recordign of what the large tvman shwoed at hte meeting since she was busy nad couldn't make it as she was ocnfused but decided to think about why that cmaeraman is doing htis and who it is later, as the screen fades to black.

Hello readers, so to epxlain why i took so logn to upload a chapter, well is cause yesterday i got on a bus to go to naother city to prepare for the family ruenion that was going to happen there tommorow which is today so i spend a majority of the day at hte family reunion and a few more hours at the mall with hte rest of the family so we can all spend tiem with each other and before i end this chapter im jsut ognna ask you all an question

Hello readers, so to epxlain why i took so logn to upload a chapter, well is cause yesterday i got on a bus to go to naother city to prepare for the family ruenion that was going to happen there tommorow which is today so i spend a majority of the...

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Which core design do you like better, and this may not become someones core im just trying my hand in drawing designs for this series and i just wnat your honest opinions on these designs, and who knows i might use these same designs or na improve...

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Which core design do you like better, and this may not become someones core im just trying my hand in drawing designs for this series and i just wnat your honest opinions on these designs, and who knows i might use these same designs or na improved version in the future

And that neds this chapter see ya'll later folks

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