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Brown's POV

I watched the battle between upgraded titan cameraman and upgraded infected titan speakerman, while stuck under a pile of rubble and support beams everything below my waist was destroyed, my voice box destroyed, my camera lens cracked.

I couldn't scream for help and could only wait in painful silence to be rescued, as i watch the fight between the 2 titans i heard an loud voice come in from behind. I couldn't see who it was due to being stuck udner a pile of rubble and support beams but i could only guess it was most likely Gman toilet, and i was right seeing upgraded titan cameraman's back be hit by multiple yellow lasers, i watched in fear that what happened with titan tvman might happen again but my worry dissipates once i see upgraded titan cameraman turn around completely unaffected by the lasers as he flys into Gman i think since i couldn't turn my head around, as i hear a big explosion from behind so he did fly into Gman.

I watch as i see the ifnected titan speakerman start loading his laser blasters, preparign to attack, but i catch a glimpss form my crakced lens of a sillouthe flying down behind the infected titan speakerman, as i hear a weird noise come from infected titan speakerman as the infected titan stops loading his blasters and reaches his arm behind hisn eck to pull out.

Plunger cameraman?! Why would he- nevermind, why should i be suprsied he always ran head first straight into battle, as i see the infected titan hold plunger infrotn of his face as plunger throws his last plunger at infected titan speakermans face which causes the infected titan to crush plungers legs and throw him to the ground, just a few ft away from me, i then hear another loud explosion followed by titan cameraman flying straight into infected titan speakerman as out of hte msoke from the crash titan cameraman throws infected titan speakerman away as i watch terrified as a malformed strider toilet walks slowly behind titan cameraman as i scream out to warn the titan, but then i remembered, my voice is destroyed

I could only watch in horror as titan cameraman turns around to face the malformed strider toilet as the toilet impales all 4 of its katanas into titan cameraman as i fear that titan cameraman got seriously damaged, but just like with the lasers he was unaffected, he looks at the malformed strider toilet unfazed as he camly removes the toilets welder masks and squahshes the head of the toilet and pushes the toilets body down to the ground the 4 katanas still piercing him as i then see a large helicotper skibidi parasite flydown onto titan cameramans back giving me fear again for the 4th time as titan cameraman quckly removes the parasite from him and cruches its head.

As i then see the infected titan speakerman get up and fire its laser blasters at titan cameraman alot of times as i then hear the familiar teleportation sound of the tvmen, as i tilt my camerahead up as mush as i possibly could in my current state to see who it could be.

And it was tvwoman! She turns her hands into daggers and jumps onto the infected titan speakermans neck as the same sound when plugner tried to remove the parasite played, as infected titan speakerman reached his hand behind his neck as titan cameraman then grabbed the ifnected titans hands as infected titan speakerman started screaming loudly.

Then i tilt my camerahead to see Gman fly in and good lord did he look terrible, he readied his lasers at titan cameraman, he then stopped realising he can't take on 2 titans at ocne and flew away cowardly, as titan speakerman falss to the ground as titan cameraman remvoes the parasite from his neck and crushes the parasite udner his foot as i see tvwoman fly down towards plunger as i reach my arm out desparetly to her in hopes she would save me like she did last time-

She teleproted away with plunger.... no its okay mayrb the titans could help or somebody else could save me, i mentally conforted myself as i see titan speakerman get up looking at the destruction he caused while under the control of that parasite and he then flys up into the sky and flys somewhere else, as i see titan cameraman giving a thumbs up to someone ontop of a building most likely other agents. As i wait for the rescue squads and medics to arrive to help me since the alliance would definely send rescue squads and medics due to the large scale destruction this fight caused so it is only a matter of time before i am saved.

 6 Hours Later

I lay there defeated rejected again and now left to die alone, i guess the alliance really does only prioritize hte storngest of us, i am just another cameraman that will soon get replaced by another one better than me...........

They all left me to die..................

Here in this cold dark place..........

Help me please................


Anyone please...........

I don't want to die...............

Anyone please help me...............


Anyone out there please..............

Save me...................

I don't want to die..............

Its so dark please anyone help me................

My vision soon turns to complete black........

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