"Honestly I could go for a good cheesy pizza and maybe some chicken wings" I.N answered his eyes growing and little hearts appearing inside them.

"Done. Pizza and wings for dinner. Minho is that okay with you?" I asked him as I nudged his shoulder a little bit trying to get him out of his daze.

He gave a little nod and I motioned for I.N to give me his computer so I could place the order.

"Minho, hun, what do you want?" I asked him softly as I folded my legs and leaned on him a little.

"Here Noona, I unlocked it and got to the website for you" I.N said as he stood behind us.

"Pepperoni, sausage and pepper, plain cheese?" I asked him

"Anything is fine Rosie. I.N wants his cheesy pizza" he said to me his eyes glossing over.

I order the pizza and wings quite quickly but bypassed the payment on purpose so that I.N would have to pay.

"All done. I.N you should leave now, I forgot to pay online. I can give you my card but you'll have to pay when you get there" I told him.

"Aww Rose! You did this on purpose. You just wanted me to pay I know your games" I.N said jokingly.

Minho started to shuffle a bit and then he brought out his wallet. When he opened his wallet he had a picture of him and I tucked in the identification flap. It was the picture I had taken of us while we were at the park together. My heart fluttered a little bit and I.N wiggled his eye brows at us a little bit. Great, he probably already knew about us but still.

"Here Innie, you can use my card. Don't swindle poor Rosie out of all her non-existent funds" Minho said while handing over his card, a slight smile making its way onto his face.

I whacked him on the chest. "I have funds you imbecile" I told him, "but thank you".

"The fact that Rose just hit you and you're not doing anything about it. WOW. You are so whipped and you missy are so lucky. If anybody else firstly was sitting that close to him and secondly hit him like that they would be dead" I.N said with shock on his face.

"I guess he's just being nice to you since he knows you like him" I.N said under his breath but loud enough for us to hear him.

I jumped off the couch and started to chase him and he ran out the door laughing to himself.

"That kid I swear I'm going to beat him up" I said to myself after I.N had left the room.

I made my way back to the couch and sat back down next to Minho but this time I faced him and made sure he was looking at me.

"Baby, you've got to talk to me. What's happening in that head of yours" I said to him as I ran my fingers through his hair and rested them on the side of his face.

"Rose, I don't like this. I don't like any of this" he said to me softly as his eyes welled up with tears.

"Minho, what happened to my big scary boyfriend who didn't take crap from anyone and who makes other people shiver in their boots" I said to him as I placed my forehead on his.

He let out a little giggle as a tear slid down his face.

I wiped it off of him and looked deeply into his eyes.

"My Minho. I promise nothing bad is going to happen. We joined up with BTS because they believe that you are innocent and they are against what the president is wanting to do to you. They know that this was all a misunderstanding. RM said it himself the guy was unstable and you did what you had to do to survive". I told him trying to calm him down.

"It's hard putting up a front all the time" he said quietly to me. He leaned down and wrapped his hands around my waist placing his head on my chest. He pushed me so that I was laying down onto the couch.

"Please Rosie promise me that you will be safe and smart if I'm not there to protect you at the party" Minho said to me a little shake in his breath.

"Minho, you know I know what I'm doing right?" I said to him a slight smirk going to my face. "I just have to give the guy the time of day and boom shots fired and we're free" I said to him.

Minho raised his head his eyes darkening. "The only thing that guy is going to get is my fist in his face if he looks at you for even one second" Minho said in a dangerous tone, but it was kind of adorable since he still had a slight pout on his face and his eyes were still a little puffy and red from his tears.

"Oh I'm sure he would Mr. Mafia" I said as I ran my fingers through his hair playing with it.

"Mr. Mafia huh" he said a smile finally coming to his face.

"Yeah, Mr. Mafia Minho, the ruthless protector, the one always there for everyone with a giant heart but hides it behind his cool and calm facade" I told him tilting my head and raising my eye brows at him.

"And who are you, Miss Rosie the right hand?" Minho asked me as he climbed closer to my face.

"No, I'm yours" I said to him as I leaned down and connected our lips.

I wanted to kiss Minho for a long time now. We hadn't been alone like this since the meeting with Bangtan a few days ago and I was craving his touch, missing the feeling of his lips on mine.

Minho melted into the kiss and his grip on my waist moved down to my hips while my arms wrapped themselves around his neck bringing him closer to me. He continued kissing me until he pulled away a smile on his face.

"You're damn right you are, and I am never going to let you go" he told me before leaning back down and kissing me with more force and passion than before. He began to move shifting me so that I was in his arms before he began pulling me back onto him. Things get a little heated and our position changed Minho now being the one laying on the couch.

"So beautiful" he said as he moved his kiss from my lips to my neck, "so kind" he said as he trailed lower, "so irresistible" he nipped my neck and then soothed me with another kiss, "such a good girl" he continued as he kissed me on the collar bone, "and all" he kissed me again, "Mine" he told me with hooded eyes as he moved back to my lips and kissed them so gently I was needy for more. His grip on my hips tightened as I leaned in for another kiss but my breath hitched when I heard the front door opening.

"This might not be appropriate for the child" Minho said jokingly while I still layed atop him.

Getting off of Minho I made my way to the front door, my face most likely beet red and my clothes probably a more than usual mess.

"I.N how'd it go? It smells good" I said to him trying to distract myself from what just went down a few seconds ago.

"Noona, ahhh, now I see why you wanted me to get the pizza instead of ordering it for delivery" he said his eyes narrowing and a smirk rising to his lips. "Wait until I tell Felix about this" he said wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"What do you mean?" I asked him playing dumb.

"Oh nothing. Hey Minho, I see you're doing better?" I.N said a smile making its way to his face at the appearance of the older guy.

"Yeah" Minho said as he wrapped his arms around me from behind and backhugged me slightly, "You could say that".

"Did they give us Ranch?" I asked my blush returning with the close proximity of Minho behind me. I successfully got out of his grasp and headed to the fridge to get the ranch knowing good and well they did not give any to I.N when he grabbed the pizza.

"Here's your card back. I bought myself a drink on the way there and then got more on the way home for dinner" I.N said while smiling, "It asked for a pin so I guessed, and it turns out I was right earlier. You're totally obsessed with Rose" he said laughing to his older brother.

"What do you mean?" I asked them both a little confused plating out my food for the evening.

"His pin Rose gosh if you ever need to steal some money I hope you can remember your birthday" he said while he continued to laugh and then stuck a whole slice of pizza in his mouth.

"Ignore him, he's an idiot and he's about to choke on his pizza" Minho said his ears burning red. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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