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It's been a few days since my last encounter with anybody, so it's been fairly quiet. I got home a little later than usual and opened the fridge only to realize I was supposed to stop and get food for dinner.

I changed my clothes and grabbed a bag or two and headed on my way. I stopped at the closet store and got a few simple things that would last the next couple of days. It was late and I didn't feel like going shopping now. As I was heading towards the bus stop to get home faster I saw a few men walking towards me. They seemed to be in pain. One was arguing with the rest about who won the fight and the others just looked annoyed.

"Changbin, for the love of everything please stop making noise" a familiar voice said.

Was that Minho?

I waited for the bus and the boys came into the bus stop with me. They sat a few benches away from me but they were close enough that I could see that they were in pretty bad shape. They had blood covering their faces, clothes, and knuckles. Some of them had bruises forming on their faces and bodies, and some of their clothes was tore and ragged.

I only recognized Minho. Thinking back to when he saved me at the coffee shop, his threat to Taehyung passed across my mind. Did he really do something to them? Is Felix involved?

Minho had his head leaned back a bit and opened his eyes when he heard the bus pull up near the stop.

I entered the bus first and took one of the few remaining seats. The scary guys covered in blood followed behind me. They sat relatively close to me but that's probably because that's the only place where seats were available.

"Move your bag" I heard a voice demand from me.

I looked up to be met with the eyes of Minho.

"Either you move it, or I move it" he said to me already sounding annoyed.

I moved my bag and he sat down. He let out a huff and held onto his hand and wrist. He had a slight cut on his cheek and there was a bruise forming on the side of his face.

"Are you okay?" I asked him but he just ignored me.

"Did you kill Taehyung?" I asked him in fear that he might have actually done that.

He let out a small chuckle and a little smirk graced his face. "Oh don't worry, your precious stalker is still alive" he said sarcastically.

"He's not a stalker he was just very creepy and weird the day that I met him and I felt uncomfortable" I told him back.

"Please, don't talk. My head is throbbing and I got thrown on a table" he said closing his eyes and whispering.

"A table. Minho, what the heck were you guys doing?" I asked him in shock.

My stop was coming up and as much as I got annoyed and frustrated by Minho I wasn't going to let him just sit there while he was in pain and covered in blood.

"I'm taking you to my house and I'm going to make sure that you are okay" I told him in a matter of fact tone.

"No" he responded back.

"I'm not taking no for an answer plus you already have to get up to let me out so just follow me" I said rolling my eyes at his stubborn attitude.

"I'll make you food" I told him and I saw him open one of his eyes. He huffed and closed it again. I don't know what that meant but I was going to force him to come to my house one way or another to fix himself.

My stop came and I was surprised to see the Minho had listened and followed me. The rest of his friends who were also on the bus with us were a little confused but they didn't say too much and we went on our way.

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