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"I've got the girl in my sights" Jungkook said into his earpiece as he watched the young woman enter the coffee shop.

"Make sure you keep on her this time JK, last time you lost her because you got distracted. Don't let it happen again" the leader RM said over the radio.

"Yes, I remember, I won't fail again" JK stated in a more determined tone.

Ahh the coffee shop! The most beautiful place in the world. One of my favorite places aside from the lovely apartment I call my home. The light aroma of coffee wrapped around the entire cafe, along with other sweets and pastries.

"Good Morning! What can we get you thing morning?" One of the workers asked in a bright and cheery tone.

"One extra large Iced Americano and a strawberry cheese danish, please" I responded to her in a similar tone.

She told me the total and handed me my food while I waited for the coffee to be made and presented to me. I looked around the cafe and across the street was a suspicious looking man wearing all black. It was early morning, not too hot yet, but still much too warm to be wearing all black everything. It was suspicious and I would not have thought anything of it but I couldn't help but think back to the conversation that Felix brought up last night telling me to be "careful" and that things could get "dangerous". How was I supposed to know when this suspicious activity was going to play out? Now because of Felix, and Minho, and the last situation I had in the coffee shop here I am paranoid out of my mind.

I was brought back to reality by the barista yelling out my order. I thanked them and began making my way out of the cafe.

I opened the door and heard shoes pounding on the ground. I looked across the street and I could still see the suspicious guy still standing there leaning against the light post. As I went to turn my head the other direction I was hit and landed on the floor, my coffee spilling all over me.

I gasped as my coffee landed all over me! The delicious drink that I'd been so excited for. I was so upset and frustrated.

"Get up" I heard a man speak towards me. It was rushed and very point. "You need to get up, Now" he said to me again.

I looked up and was met with none other than Minho himself.

"And why would I listen to you, huh? After everything you still have the audacity to act like this?! " I asked him my frustration rising more that I knew who ran into me

"Felix told you to listen to us" he said while he extended his hand out to help you up while looking around the surrounding area.

I slapped his hand away, "You expect me to let you help me when you didn't even apologize for knocking me on the ground" I scoffed at him. "No apology, no 'oh my gosh are you hurt', no 'let me buy you a new coffee since I so rudely ran into you and ruined your clothes and entire day'", just 'get up, now'"

"Listen Rose, you need to get up right now. I'm sorry you're mad at me but you need to listen to me and trust me" he told me with determination in his voice. It was a tone of authority, no questions allowed.

I hated this. He was always like this. With him it was always demand, demand, demand. How did I fall for him again?

"Rose, look at me. I need you to trust me okay" he said in a more calming tone. It was still authoritative but it held an affectionate tone to it. His gaze on me caused my breath to hitch. It held so many different emotions but the most pronounced was fear. He was scared.

"I...I trust you, but Minho..." I began but he cut me off

"We're going this way, fast Rose, we need to move fast" he said as he reached out and grabbed my hand. I felt tingles when he grabbed my hand.

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