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I woke up to the sun blinding me. I guess I forgot to shut the blinds last night before falling asleep. Minho and I had kissed and it had almost been a week since I had last seen him. He's been busy with the missions Chan had him working on. It's also been almost a week and I haven't heard any news from RM. I also haven't been abducted by any BTS members so I'm under the impression they're still trying to get all the inner workings done for the night of the plan.

I stretched and got dressed. I reached for my phone and saw that I had a few messages.

Felix: Got called on a business trip. Hyunjin and I are together and will be gone a few days. Call me if you need anything. I love you bestie!

I smiled at the ball of sunshines message. I could hear him saying the last line in his upper register and it made me crack a smile.

Clicking back to my messages I saw I had two texts from Minho so I opened those as well.

Minho: Good morning my beautiful Rose. I've got some work this morning but I'm free all afternoon if you wanna hang out?

Minho: I can buy you coffee and we can walk around the park?

I smiled while I read his messages. He was cute. It's crazy how he went from being so uptight to so soft towards me. Responding to his text I decided to pick up the house a little bit and be productive until he told me he was done.

As I was finishing cleaning the bathroom my phone began ringing.

I paused my music and answered the phone.

Rose: Hello??

Chan: Hey Rose, I'm going to tell Stray Kids about the arrangement tomorrow morning and I want you to be there if that's okay?

Rose: Absolutely, you know I'll be there.

Chan: Good, unfortunately I think it's going to be hard for a few of the members to co-operate with them.

Rose: If you're worried about Minho finding out he already knows.

Chan: What? How did he find out?

Rose: So, about that, the night RM called you, a few days ago, Minho came storming to my house and I broke and told him everything. He seemed to handle all of the news fairly well.

Chan: What the heck?! And I'm just now hearing about this?

Rose: I told him to keep it private.

Chan: Well at least we know he listens to you.

Rose: Yeah, occasionally I guess he's able to do something like that, unless he's telling me what I can and can't do.

Chan: Rose, you know he only does that because he's trying to do what is best for you. He cares about you.

Rose: I know he does. He made that pretty clear.

Chan: What do you mean by that?

I could hear Chan smirking on the other end of the phone and decided it was a good time to end the call.

Rose: I'll see you tomorrow

Ending the call so abruptly was very unlike me but hey, it's embarrassing, I don't want to tell him everything that happened. I haven't even told Felix yet and he's the first person I should tell.

My phone rang again and I didn't look at the caller ID. I just picked up, thinking it was Chan calling me back to sass me for hanging up on him.

Rose: I'm not telling you what happened Chan!

Minho: Whoa, firstly, I am not Chan, but he probably deserves to get yelled at; secondly hey Rosie.

Rose: Minho, hey

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