twenty four

772 18 6

*Angela's p.o.v*

I'm sitting in a chair waiting for Wesley's mom's OB to come back in the room. A few minutes pass by and she enters the room.

Dr. Etz: Sorry for the wait.

Me: Do you have the test results?

Dr. Etz: Your husband's not joining us?

Me: Fiancé. And no. He thinks I'm taking the test next week.

Dr. Etz: I don't understand.

Me: I love him, but he sprung this on me, and I don't know what I'll do if it's real.

Dr. Etz: Well, it's not. Your amnio came back negative for fragile X as well as all other major genetic disorders.

Me: *my voice starts to break* So my baby's okay?

Dr. Etz: Yes.

Me: Thank you. *sighs* Thank God.

After the appointment I made my way back to the hospital. Once I got to the hospital I checked myself in and made my way back to Isabella's room. I hear a bunch of laughter coming from the room and I smiled.

Isabella: No you did not do that to him!

Lucy: Yes I did *laughs*

Isabella: You better have recorded it

I walk into the room and see John, Lucy, Tim, Jackson, and Nyla in the room. 

Me: Looks like I missed a party

Isabella: Oh hi Angela *she has this huge smile on her face* Lucy was just telling us about the time she pranked Tim on her last day as a rookie

Lucy: Yeah yeah you guys should've seen him. He had so much flour on his face. I mean what can I say it was time to get him back for the Tim Tests

Isabella: Tim Tests?!

Lucy: Oh yeah that's an even more long story to tell

I go and take a seat beside Isabella and I listen in on their conversations. I look over at Isabella and I see the smile on her face. She looks really happy. Soon the others had to leave and go start their shift leaving Isabella and I in the room by ourselves starving. Luckily, Wesley walks in the room right on time. If he wasn't here in the next five minutes someone would've been a dead man. 

Me: Thank you so much I was starving

Isabella: Thank you Wesley *she smiles*

Wesley: Well go on and eat up.

Isabella and I start to eat our food. Once we finish Isabella tells me that she's getting tired so she leaned back and I watched her as she drifted off to sleep. An hour later her doctor came in and asked us a few questions. We answered them with what we think was right due to Isabella still sleeping. Her doctor said that she'll be back when she wakes up and that she'll have to do some walking around the hospital. We agreed and watched her leave the room. We sat back down and I started talking to Wesley.

Me: I went to go see your mom's OB

Wesley: without me?

Me: Hey you sprung this on me and I didn't know what I would do if our baby had it. 

Wesley: Okay well what happened?

Me: I got tested and it came back negative for fragile X and any major genetic disorders.

I look at him with a few tears in my eyes and he walks over to me and hugs me.

Me: I was really scared

Wesley: I know baby. I was too

He kissed me on the forehead and hugged me tight. He walked me towards the couch and we sat down cuddling each other. A couple hours pass by and Isabella wakes up. She looks at Wesley and I on the couch and she smiles. I smile at her and a minute later the doctor showed up.

*Isabella's p.o.v*

The doctor comes into the room and looks at me. She smiles and starts to ask me some questions.

Doctor: Isabella are you feeling any pain?

Me: Yeah kind of. My whole body hurts and I can't really move a lot

Doctor: Okay well we can put you on some more pain meds to help with that *she smiles* Are you getting lightheaded at all whenever you move?

Me: No

She asks me a couple more questions. After I finished answering,  she turned to Angela and Wesley to ask them a few questions. After they answered, the doctor turned her face back to me.

Doctor: Well Isabella in a couple minutes we're gonna have to try and take you for a walk in the halls. This can help gain back your ability to move and maybe feel less pain. Don't worry Angela or Wesley can be there with you and of course one of the nurses will assist you.

I look at her and nod. Once she saw my nod she left the room. I lay back down on my bed since my back started to hurt. Angela stood up and walked over to me. She smiled and sat down on my bed and just hugged me. I cuddled up against her feeling safe. A nurse walked in a few minutes after the doctor left. She had a wheel chair with her and Angela stood back up. They start helping me out of bed to sit in the wheel chair to start helping me move again. I struggle to get out of bed because of the pain I'm feeling. I start making a face and Angela noticed.

Angela: It's okay honey. Just take it slow okay?

I nod and I keep trying to get out of bed. After a few minutes of straight pain I finally was able to sit in the wheelchair. I get wheeled into the hallway and they start helping me stand up. Angela holds my hand as I start doing a couple baby steps. It takes a few minutes for me to get used to it again but it gets easier the more I keep walking. The next thing I know we're walking through a hallway when a group of doctors start yelling and pushing a gurney. I recognized the face. It was Jackson.

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