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*Nyla's p.o.v*

The words that came out of Isabella's mouth made my eyes widen. "I think he killed my mom" kept replaying over and over again in my head. She might be right but she might be wrong. Mason was never a good guy and thinking he did this isn't surprising.

Me: Isabella sweetheart I think you should tell someone this. Not what happened to you but what you think he did to your mom. If he did do this he's gonna go to jail forever and if you go against him and speak up about what he did to you, which of course you don't have to, he'll be in cuffs for as long as we know.

Isabella: I'll think about it, but what if I'm not right and he didn't kill my mom. Then he's really gonna kill me.

Me: I won't let him near you again Isabella. I'll make sure of it. 

Isabella: Can we go back now?

Me: Of course. Can I ask you one more question?

Isabella: Yeah sure

Me: Where have you been living this whole time

*Isabella's p.o.v*

Me: Alleys, sidewalks, random abandoned places. Where else would I be living?

Nyla: Isabella, I'm always here for you. That even counts with you sleeping in my house.

Me: I think I'm good. Now can we please go back?

Nyla: Yeah *smiles*

Nyla and I start to walk back to the food truck court and meet up with the others. Once we got back I saw almost all of them staring at us. I get scared again until I felt Nyla holding on to me. She always has her way to calm me down even if I try to hide it. I look over at Officer West who looks scared to look at me. I feel bad for freaking out on him like that. I walk over to him and tap him on the shoulders.

Me: Hey Officer West *slightly smiles* I'm sorry I freaked out on you like that. It really isn't your fault so don't blame yourself. I just got startled that's all *smiles*

Officer West: I'm sorry Isabella. I shouldn't have done what I did without asking you first. I promise not to do it again. And just call me Jackson ok?

Me: Okay *I smile at him and I hug him* I just want you to know again it's not your fault ok?

Jackson: Okay *smiles back at me*

After I told Jackson that it wasn't his fault, Angela told us to get in the car so that we can get some of the stuff I wanted to get. Angela starts to drive us to the recent alleyway that I was staying in. I start to fall asleep in the backseat since I got tired from the crying I recently did.

*Angela's p.o.v*

I notice that Isabella fell asleep in the back so me and Jackson start to have a conversation about my wedding. 

Me: My mom is driving me crazy. She's teamed up with Wesley's mom, so every time I try to make a decision about the wedding, I'm outnumbered.

Jackson: You're the bride. Shouldn't you get final say?

Me: I'm the only girl in either family, so they're living vicariously. And I don't have the bandwidth to push back because I'm so focused on making detective. If I don't make the next round of promotions, I'll have to take the detective's exam again. But while I'm distracted, those viejas are hijacking my wedding.

Jackson: Come on. I'm pretty sure it's not that bad.

Me: They decided the color scheme should be pink and peach.

Jackson: Oh, no.

Me: Do I look like a woman who's ever worn peach?

Jackson: No. You're definitely an autumn.

We finally got to the alleyway that Isabella had told us about and I was a bit scared to wake her up since this was the first time I've seen her sleep all day. She looked really peaceful and calm in her sleep that I was scared to ruin it. I wake her up anyways gently to tell her that we arrived.

Me: Isabella sweetie?

Isabella: *slowly wakes up* huh?

Me: We're here sweetheart *smiles* lets go get your stuff really quickly so that you can go back to bed ok?

Isabella: *nods while yawning*

She gets out of the car and starts walking to where I assume her stuff was. I see her gather some pictures up and grabs some cash that she had hidden. She went deeper into her stuff and grabbed a little stuffed animal.

*Isabella's p.o.v*

I finished up getting the stuff I needed and we start heading back to the car until I realized I forgot something. 

Me: Oh hold on I think I forgot something. I'll just run back and get it real quickly.

Angela: Okay, be quick *smiles*

I start to run back and I sneaked some pills into my pocket. Once I hid them in my pockets I start to head back to Angela and Jackson.

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