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*Angela's p.o.v*

Once we got to the station, Isabella and I stay in the car for a little bit.

Me: Isabella what happened to your hand? Did you push him?

Isabella: N-no I'm sorry. I got into a fight at school and Tamara and I left school after it. That's why I was out so early

Me: Well we're gonna have a talk about this later. For now we're gonna have to go in the station okay? You might see that cop around but you're gonna be ok cause I'll be right there

Isabella: Why didn't Jackson help me? He just stood there making me wait

Me: Baby he did. He was the one who called for backup. He's the reason I showed up.

Isabella: I don't want to get hurt again

Me: I promise you, honey you won't. He's not gonna go anywhere near you especially when I'm there

I watch as she nods and I unlock the door for us to get out. We make our way into the station and I notice Isabella getting closer to me. I hold on to her to make her feel safe but I don't think it was helping. I walk her over to the briefing room and I tell her to sit down and wait for me. I left her in the room and I make my way over to Grey's office. I knock on his door and he motions for me to come inside.

Me: Grey you better get one of your officers in line

Grey: which one?

Me: Stanton

Grey: What did he do now

Me: He tackled Isabella. Thinking she was a suspect who didn't even match the description AND he pointed his gun at her. Saying she was 'aggressive'. I want to review his body cam because I swear if I see something on there and he's lying about what he did I'm gonna sue his ass. If he doesn't turn in his badge by today I'm gonna make his life a living hell

Grey: Woah there Lopez calm down. West already came up to me about this. We're trying to handle it but Stanton can't know. Once we catch what he's doing to these people we're gonna have his badge and make sure he stays off the streets

Me: I swear on my soul if I ever see him doing this again I'm reporting him to Internal Affairs

Grey: I won't sit here and change your mind Lopez. Whatever you think you should do to keep her safe you can.

As he says that I nod my head and I walk out of his office. I notice Jackson, Lucy, John, and Nyla standing outside the office looking at Isabella.

Nyla: Woah woah what did you say he did to her?!

Jackson: He tackled her and pointed his gun at her. He says that she 'matched' the suspect but she didn't. I tried to stop him. I even tried saying that she's Lopez's kid but he wouldn't listen

Me: *I walk over to them* Jackson I'm gonna have to see yours and Stanton's body cams. Whatever is on there I'm using as evidence when we catch what he's doing to these innocent people

Jackson: Yeah of course, anything you need.

Me: Thanks *I slightly smiles* hey do you guys think you can watch her for me while I look over these cams?

Nyla: Yeah of course

I watch them as they all walk in the briefing room to talk with Isabella. I walk away and I go into an office to review the body cams of both Stanton and Jackson. 

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