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*Isabella's p.o.v*

I start making my way back to the room where me and Tamara were at. While I was walking I got stopped by Angela.

Angela: Hey honey *smiles*

Me: Hi *I smile back at her*

Angela: You ready to go home? You have to wake up early tomorrow

Me: Yeah I'm ready *smiles*

We go over to her desk for a second to grab her things. Once she's done we start heading out. We get in her car and we start making our way home. All I could think about was Tamara. I found her again. I hope she doesn't do anything stupid while she's out here in the streets. I get stuck in my thoughts until we arrived at home. I get out of the car and wait for Angela to unlock the front door.

Once she unlocks the door I step in and I make my way into the bathroom. I grab some fresh clothes and wash my hands. I walk out hearing Wesley say dinner was ready. I take a seat at the table waiting for Angela to come out of her bedroom.

Wesley: So Isabella how was your day today?

Me: It was really good *I give him a big smile*

Wesley: Oh really? What happened?

Me: I met up with an old friend *I smiles*

Wesley: I bet that felt nice *smiles at me*

Me: Yeah it really did

Wesley and I keep on talking about my day while he's serving me some dinner. He sets a plate out for Angela and gives her some food. A few minutes later Angela comes out of her room wearing her pajamas. She walks over to the table and gives Wesley a kiss before she sat down.

Angela: So Isabella *she smiles*

Me: Yeah?

Angela: Wesley and I wanted to give you this before your first day of school *hands me a phone* so if you have an emergency you can call us whenever you want

Me: You know you really don't have to

Angela: Well we want to and just to make sure you're safe we shared your location to our phones and you have our phone numbers saved in your contacts

Me: Okay *I smile* thank you.. for everything

Angela: Of course Isabella *smiles* and whenever you need something just ask okay? Wesley and I are always gonna be here for you. So is half of the station. You don't ever have to worry about anything okay?

Me: um yeah yeah *I smiles slightly*

I haven't had something like this in awhile. Everything that's been good in my life always got taken away. I can't let my guard down even if I really want to.

We all finish up our dinner and we start to clean up. I take all of our dishes and I start to wash it. I get scared that they'll get mad at me for not helping out so I do things here and there. After I finished cleaning up I get ready for bed. I brush my teeth and I go to the couch and stare at the ceiling. I was exhausted so I ended up falling asleep fast.

*the next day*

I woke up really early and I look over at my new phone and I saw it was 5 am. I pick out a pair of jeans and a black crop top. I take all my things in the bathroom and I start to shower. After I showered I got changed and I get out of the bathroom. I walk over to the kitchen and make some eggs for breakfast. After I finished cooking and eating I cleaned up everything I used and headed back over to the couch.

I packed some stuff in the bag Angela had given me a couple of days before. Once I finished packing I went on my phone and started downloading some apps. I've been on it for awhile and I checked the time again and it says it's 6:30. I thought I was gonna be late until I heard Angela coming out of her room. She was in her pajamas and she looked at me.

Angela: hey honey, what are you doing up? *she remembers something* omg what time is it?!

Me: 6:30 *I smile*

Angela: omg you're gonna be late! And Wesley and I still have to meet your principal. Wait right here, I'll wake Wesley up and I'll get ready.

Me: okay *I laugh a bit*

I watch as she goes back into the room. I hear her tell Wesley to wake up or else she'll hit him. I start laughing a bit when I hear more commotion in the room meaning he's awake. It took them about 20 minutes to finish getting ready and they both get out of their room.

Wesley: Good morning Isabella *he smiles*

Me: Good morning *I smile back at him*

I watch as they both head over to the kitchen. I'm assuming they're getting a cup of coffee. They walk back out and I look in their hands and I was right.

Angela: Isabella honey did you eat yet?

Me: Yup

Angela: Okay go wait in the car we'll be right out.

I do as she says and I put on my shoes and head out. A couple minutes pass by and Angela and Wesley walk out of the house together. They get in the car and we start driving to school. I get on my phone the whole ride there and we finally stopped at this okay looking building.

Angela: Okay Isabella, we're here

I look up from my phone and I put on my jacket. I get out of the car with my bag on and so does Angela and Wesley. We all walk in to the school together and we head to the principal's office. Day one of hell.

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