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*Isabella's p.o.v*

I see all of the officers come back including Nyla. They all look tired, but they all went into Sergeant Grey's office. I look at Angela outside who looks very exhausted and I turn beside me looking at Jackson who looks like he's zoning out.

Me: Jackson?

No response. 

I decided to tap him on the shoulder but it didn't do anything. I start to wave my hands in front of his face to make him stop and he finally comes back.

Jackson: What's up Isabella?

Me: Are you ok?

Jackson: yeah yeah of course

He lied.

Me: You know you're acting like me when something's on my mind. Is it your friend? Did he um pass away?

He looks at me nodding and he's starting to tear up. I get scared thinking I did something wrong. Tears start coming out of his face and next thing I knew I was hugging him. He hugs me back and we just stay in that position for a few minutes. His body starts to loosen up and he breaks down in my arms. I feel bad that I might've caused this by mentioning his friend but I let him cry anyways. A couple more minutes went by and he finally lets go. He wipes his tears away and looks at me.

Jackson: Thank you Isabella *slightly smiles* I've been needing someone to hug me ever since I found out he died. I should probably go though because I ride with Lucy to our apartment.

Me: Oh of course *smiles* be safe

He leaves the room and Angela walks back in to the room.

Angela: Isabella?

Me: Yeah?

Angela: I want you to come home with me

Me: I'm good

Angela: Well you're not going back to the streets. So you're either going with me or you're going with Nyla. Your choice

Me: ugh I'll go with you then *rolls eyes*

Angela: *widens her eyes* well come on let's go

We start to walk out of the room and she packs up her things to get ready to go to her house. We get in her car and we start driving.

Me: I don't want to intrude you and your fiancé 

Angela: *looks at me confused* how do you know I have a fiancé

Me: Sorry *looks down* I heard you and Jackson talking about your wedding yesterday when we were driving to get my stuff

Angela: oh I thought you were asleep. I didn't think you heard that

Me: I'm sorry

Angela: Don't be sorry plus I bet Wesley is gonna be happy to have you around. Also I'm sorry I forgot to mention this, me and Wesley kind of live in a one bedroom house

Me: oh, well then why do you want me to come live with you then?

Angela: Because it'll help me know that you're well taken care of and that you're safe

Me: *nods* ok. does that mean I'm gonna sleep on your couch?

Angela: Yeah, but only until we find a bigger place for us

We keep driving for awhile until we stop at what I assume to be Angela's house. She unlocks the door and I get out of the car. She starts walking ahead of me and when we reached the door, she opens it up. 

Angela: I know it's not much but it's gonna have to do for right now *smiles*

All of a sudden a man comes out of a room and I get scared and I hide behind Angela. The man starts walking towards us and kisses Angela.

Angela: *turns around to me* Isabella? Honey it's ok. It's just Wesley

Wesley: *looks at me* Who's this?

Angela: This is Isabella *smiles* she's gonna live with us for awhile

Wesley: Babe, are you sure? We kind of only have one room in this house

Angela: Yeah *smiles* I told her she can sleep on the couch until we can find a bigger place for all of us to stay at

Wesley: Okay * smiles* well welcome to our house Isabella. You're free to do whatever you want the TV's right there *points at the TV* the kitchen and dining area is over there so if you want anything you can go get anything *points to the other side of the house* that's our room *points at a bedroom* and that's the bathroom *points at bathroom*

Me: Okay thank you *smiles*

Wesley goes into their bedroom and leaves me and Angela alone. 

Angela: Okay so Isabella, tomorrow I'll reapply you at school so when me and Wesley are working you can be at school

Me: I haven't been to school in awhile. Do you think I can go back in a week?

Angela: Yeah of course but only a week okay?

Me: *I nod and smile*

Angela: I'll try and get out of work early tomorrow, so we can go to the mall and get you some new clothes and shoes ok?

Me: You really don't have to do that you know

Angela: Unless you want to wear my clothes-

Me: *I cut her off* no no. no offense you have good style but it's not MY style

Angela: rude

Me: *I raise both of my hands* Hey, I said no offense

Angela: ok Isabella it's getting really late. you can go shower if you want and I can lend you some pajamas for tonight.

Me: Okay, thank you *smiles*

I watch as Angela goes in her bedroom. She walks back out with a towel and a pair of pajamas. She hands them to me and I take it. I go over to the bathroom and start taking a shower. I haven't taken a shower in awhile.

After I showered and changed, I brushed my hair and I walk out of the bathroom. I notice the couch has some pillows and a blanket on it. I start setting the couch up and I turn the lights off. I stare at the ceiling trying to fall asleep. 

*A few hours pass by*

I suddenly wake up in the middle of the night and I try to go back to sleep but I couldn't. I went to the bathroom and closed the door. I hopped in the tub and sat down in it. The next thing I know, my eyes were shut.

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