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*Isabella's p.o.v*

Once I turn around, I feel a sharp pain on my face. Did this bitch just slap me. I stood up from where I was sitting and I look at her.

Random girl: I told you not to mess with me new girl

Me: Do you really think a slap like that hurts me? *I look at her in the face and I punched her right into her 'pretty' face* Don't you ever fucking touch me again

After I left her on the floor I walked out of the cafeteria. I was walking until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Tamara: I taught you well *smiles* come on let's get out of here

I follow her as we walk out of the school. While we're walking we get stopped by cops and I look up to see Tim and Lucy.

Lucy: You sold my car to buy new clothes?

I look at Tamara in disbelief. I can't believe she lied to me about this.

Tim: And earrings.

Tamara: It's my car. You gave it to me.

Lucy: To sleep in, not to sell.

Tamara: Do you have any idea what it's like to go to school every day with greasy hair and dirty clothes? So, yeah, I sold your janky-ass ticket magnet and bought a few nice things. I just want to feel normal for once.

Tim: And so where's the rest of the money?

Tamara: It's in my college fund.

Lucy: Look, why didn't you say something earlier? You came by this morning. You clearly already had a buyer.

Tamara: I knew you wouldn't understand. You would have just said no.

Lucy: No. Wait. Where are you staying?

Tamara: With my cousin.

We start walking away but I notice Tim looking down at my hands. I start to get scared so I covered it up but it was too late.

Tim: Hey Isabella. What's wrong with your hand?

Me: Nothing. I'll see you later

I motion for Tamara to start walking and luckily she followed. I look at Tamara, still not believing she lied to me but also finding out she lives with her cousin.

Me: T, why'd you lie to me?

Tamara: I mean I didn't really. It was my money

Me: But you know how much it meant to Lucy

Tamara: Okay but I'm struggling too

Me: And why are you staying with your god awful cousin?!

Tamara: Look Bella I have nowhere else to go. At least I'll be safe knowing I won't get jump at night.

She walks away from me and I clearly realize that she's pissed. I decided to leave her alone but I still managed to tell her to be safe. I walk the opposite direction and I start to head towards the house. I keep on walking not paying attention to anything but my phone. I suddenly get tackled to a ground by a guy and I turn around pissed.

Me: What the hell?!

Cop: Roll over!

Me: I didn't do anything!

Cop: Roll over, dumbass! On your belly!

Me: Dude! I live right over there!

Cop: Hands behind your back.

Me: Why are you cuffing me?! Ow!

Cop: For your safety and ours.

Me: My -- Your -- My safety?! Aah! You're hurting me! (handcuffs click)

Jackson: Look ma'am-

Me: *I turn around* Jackson?! It's me

Jackson: Isabella what are you doing here?

Me: I was trying to get home until that cop tackled me

Jackson: Hold on, stay here

I do as he says and I watch him go over to the cop. 

*Jackson's p.o.v*

I walk over to Stanton and I start to speak to him. 

Stanton (speaks on the radio): Control, 7-Adam-07, I got a young lady who matches the suspect. Detained but aggressive.

Me: Sir, you don't know who-

I try to tell him that it's Detective Lopez's kid. He doesn't seem to listen and it makes him more mad. 

Stanton (speaks on the radio): Send backup

I watch as Isabella stands up and Stanton starts to scream at her.

Stanton: Get on the ground now!

Jackson: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Control, 7-Adam-07, we need a supervisor out here and send Detective Angela Lopez. Code 3. Isabella, just stay where you are. Just -- Just give us a minute to explain.

I watch as Stanton points his gun at Isabella and I notice Isabella starting to shake. Finally, Bradford, Lucy, and Angela arrive at the scene. I watch as Angela notices the 'suspect' in custody is Isabella. I watch as she runs over to Isabella and hugs her.

*Isabella's p.o.v*

I start to shake watching him point his gun at me. I look down and I start to quietly cry into my knees. I heard more cop sirens and I get scared until I feel someone's arms wrap around me. Their touch felt so safe and I hear them start talking.

Angela: It's ok baby, I'm here.

Me: *I whisper* Angela I'm scared

Angela: I know baby I know

I shake a little bit faster but Angela is starting to calm me down. She finally gets me to stop shaking and she motions for me to stand up. She unlocks the handcuffs off of my wrists and I hug her tight. She starts to make me walk over to her car and she lets me in. Once I got in the car She closed the door and I watch her as she walks over to the officer.

*Angela's p.o.v*

I walk over to Stanton in a really pissed mood. 

Me: What the hell were you thinking Stanton?!

Stanton: I was trying to do my job-

Me: Pointing a gun at a little girl?!

Stanton: She was being aggressive

Me: Well that she you were talking about is my daughter you idiot.

Stanton: I'm sorry I didn't know

Tim starts to walk over to us. He tries to stop me from yelling at him but I wasn't done.

Me: The 'suspect' you were trying to find didn't even match her. I'm reporting you to Grey. And if he doesn't have your badge by today, I swear on my soul I'll make your world a living hell.

After I said that I walked away and I got into my car. I look over at Isabella and I still see her shaking. I put my hand on her hand I grabbed it. I held her until she finally calmed down again. I get a glimpse of her other hand and I saw it was bruised on the knuckles. I let go of her hand and I start driving back to the station.

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