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*Angela's p.o.v*

Grey and I start heading over to the locker rooms. We went inside searching for Cole but we're only able to find a pile of her clothing, an ID, and a cell phone on a bench in the locker room.

Me: She dumped everything that we could use to trace her.

Grey: She's running.

*third person p.o.v*

*At the briefing room*

The rookies and their T.Os are trying to figure out how to track down Cole.

Nyla: How was Officer Cole at the Academy?

John: Solid.

Lucy: Yeah, she was a go-getter. I mean, she wasn't the strongest or the fastest, but she made up for it with passion.

John: I certainly wouldn't have flagged her as someone who'd betray the badge. And as a rookie?

Nyla: Maybe she didn't turn. Maybe she was rotten from the onset.

Lucy: Meaning what? She was put into the department by the Derian family as a mole?

Sergeant Grey steps inside the room

Tim: Anything?

Grey: No. No sign of Cole yet. An S.I.S. team conducted a raid on her home and searched the home of two family members. Nothing.

Angela: Forensic Accounting says there's been no financial activity on any of her accounts.

John: Well, she's a cop. Smart enough to know how we're gonna try and catch her.

Nyla: And to know that every available uniform will be looking for her.

Grey: She'll probably flee to somewhere that's familiar to her. The question is, how will she get there?

Tim: We put a BOLO out county-wide. The Sheriff's Department, Metro Transit, Port Police all been notified. Eyes are open.

Grace appears in the doorway with several pizza boxes in hand.

Grace: John.

John: Uh...excuse me.

He goes over to talk to Grace.

Grace: I'm so sorry about Officer Rios.

John: Thank you.

Grace: I know that you guys are working through the night. I wasn't sure what to get -- I mean, dinner, breakfast?

Nolan: No, uh, no, pizza always plays. You guys want to grab this for the...?

Lucy: Yeah.

Lucy and Jackson come to take the boxes and John turns back to Grace.

Grace: Anyway, I mean, I-I know you're busy. *sighs* I just want you to know that I'm thinking about you.

John: I'm thinking about you, too. Um... thank you so much for the food. Uh... talk soon?

Grace: Yeah. Bye.

Grace leaves and John looks after her for a moment.

Lucy: Hey. Everything okay?

John: Um, no. But that's a problem for another day. Right now, we need to find Erin.

Lucy: What are you looking at?

John: I'm just going over all her social media accounts. I'm just hoping to find something in here that'll give us a clue as to where she went. (looking through online pictures) I just don't get it. She's so happy and carefree. W-What could happen to make her do this?

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