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*John's p.o.v*

I'm standing in my bedroom. I just uncovered the evidence planted in my wall, and there are police lights and radio chatter outside my house. My phone rings - it's Grey, who is standing in front of my house.

Me: Sir, it's a set-up.

Grey: Nick Armstrong's on his way to the hospital. Says you tried to kill him. Says you're on the Derians' payroll.

Me: It's a lie. Nick's the one who's the dirty cop. He murdered Erin Cole. He's setting me up.

Grey: Okay, okay. Let us inside so we can take a look around and you and I can talk.

Me: Do you have a warrant?

Grey: Nolan, you do not want to play things this way.

Me: Actually, sir, this is exactly how you want me to play things. Two cops are dead, and a third one is a murderer. We're both gonna be under the microscope on this. So we need to play this exactly by the book, which is why you need a warrant, and I need to call a lawyer.

Grey pauses and sighs.

Grey: Warrant's in process. Do not make this worse for yourself.

Grey ends the call and I make another call.

*Wesley's p.o.v*

I wake up from someone calling my phone and I notice that it's Nolan.

Me: Hey, Nolan, what's up? Is Angela okay?

John: Yeah. No. I'm not calling about her. Wesley, I-I, uh, I need you. I-I need -- I need your help. I have to hire you.

Me: Yeah, of course. Hey, tell me what's happening.

I put Nolan on speaker as I dress up.

John: Nick Armstrong is framing me. He murdered Erin Cole. He planted evidence in my house, which is now surrounded by cops. I told Grey he needs a warrant to come in.

Me: You were right to demand a warrant. My job is to keep them from getting it. Judge Paloma is the on-call judge tonight. He's 10 minutes from my house. Is the evidence that Nick planted easily found?

John: Yeah. He wasn't very subtle.

Me: All right. Look, this is what I need you to do --

I head into the bathroom when I accidentally knock over a trash can, spilling what's inside. A pregnancy test stick falls out. I look at it shocked and confused.

John: Wesley? Wesley, are you there? (long pause) Wesley, are you there?

I snap out of my thoughts and I get back to business.

Me: Uh...yeah. Yeah, uh... Listen... what I need you to do is bag the evidence. Somewhere it won't easily be found.

John: I-I can't tamper with the evidence.

Me: No, you won't be. Legally, we'll argue that... with knowledge of at least two dirty cops, you had no choice but to secure the evidence until you knew it was going to be safe.

John: Well, that might fly in court, but I could lose my job.

Me: Forget about your job, Nolan. I'm trying to keep you out of prison.

I get in my car and I drive over to Judge Paloma's house. When I got to the house I noticed Angela was there too. 

Angela: You here for Nolan?

Me: Yeah. He called me.

Angela: This is just a signature on a search warrant. There's nothing for you to do here. Go home.

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