twenty two

599 12 0

*Isabella's p.o.v*

I watch as Angela and Wesley goes outside. I look over at Nyla and I start to get teary eyed again. She goes over to me and sits down beside me.

Me: I'm really scared Nyla. I don't want to die

Nyla: Hey hey no one said you were dying.

Me: But what if I do?!

Nyla: You won't. You know how I know? 

Me: *I shake my head*

Nyla: Because you are one of the most strongest girls that I know. Hell you may even be stronger than me

Me: S-so what do I do?

Nyla: Whatever you want

Me: I think I'm ready *I took a quick pause* to tell them

Nyla: Are you sure?

Me: Are you gonna stay by my side?

Nyla: Always *she smiles at me*

I tell her to go outside and call Angela and Wesley back in. We have a serious conversation about my past life and I end up telling them everything about my stepdad. Once I finished I looked over at Angela who looks sad and mad at the same time and I look over at Wesley who has so much anger in his eyes. They both stand up and walk towards me. I watch as Nyla walks over to the side and I just get embraced with the most softest hug. I haven't felt a hug like this in awhile

Angela: *whispers* we'll never let anything bad happen to you okay? we'll always be here by your side through EVERYTHING. 

I chuckle a bit knowing she was serious but the way she exaggerated the word 'everything' made me laugh a bit.

Angela: *she pulls away* oh so you think I'm funny? *she laughs a bit*

Me: Nooooo who said that? *I laugh and I smiled at her* I want to have the surgery

Angela: Are you sure? Because you don't have to

Me: Well there's no point I don't want to die

Angela: No one said you were dying

Me: Well I did

Angela: Isabella we can't put jokes on this. This is your life we're talking about

Me: I know I know. So I want to go with it.

She nods at me as she told Nyla to go get the doctor. Nyla comes back with the doctor and they start to put me through medications to get me ready for surgery. An hour had passed by and the doctor came back in and said I'm ready for surgery. They started to take me off the machines and started to roll me into the surgical room. Angela is holding my hand until we get to the doors they can't go past.

Angela: We love you honey *smiles and kisses my head*

Me: *I look at her and I smile* I love you too

She says goodbye to me and the doctors push me into the surgical room. I get transferred onto the operation table and the anesthesiologist starts to put me under. 

Anesthesiologist: Okay count backwards from 10 for me

Me: Okay 10..9..8.....5..4..3..2..1

And just like that my eyes were shut.

*Angela's p.o.v*

I've had quite the day today. First, I found out that Wesley took a genetic test after his dad died and he's predisposed of Fragile X Syndrome. It can cause mental disabilities and seizures.  Now I have to go meet with his mom's OBGYN to see if our baby has the chance of inheriting it. Then, I have to wait for Isabella's surgery to finish up to make sure she's okay. Just a lot of stress on a pregnant lady.

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