Have a bag of shhh and eat the bag of shhh

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Blaise and I are sat on the bean bags next to the pool talking about random things it's all smiles and laughter until Natalia comes over "Hi guys. I was wondering if I could steal ikenna for a moment Blaise?" she asks "Okay but let me kiss my boyfriend first than you can try stalker." Blaise grabs my face and begins making out with me in front of her 

"I love you." she says "I love you too." I said kissing her lips before watching her leave "She's a bit possessive isn't she." Natalia says sitting across from me "Yeah but I love it." smiling at Blaise as she sits next to Luca and Andrew "So how are you and Blaise?" looking at her as if she's blind 

"We're fantastic I'm extremely happy with Blaise she's  mine and I'm hers." I told her "Would you be open to get to know me Ikenna?" she asked oh my god she's got bug eyes and real intense eye contact "No." bluntly putting it "How come?" she asked giving her the are you stupid look

"I'm in a relationship with Blaise the woman whom I'm very deeply in love with and no one can turn my head I've found what I came for and that's Ms Blaise Amara Hunter." smiling lovingly over at my girl who waves at me "I don't want to sound rude but I think you could do ten times better than her." she said looking at her in disbelief 

Before I could say anything else we hear  Dami's loud fucking voice "Let's play a game you know ice breaking stuff." he said walking over to the fire pit doing a backwards roll to get off the bean bags groaning "Are you okay?" Natalia asked  walking over "You can go now stalker." Blaise said walking towards me

"Are you actually okay though?" Blaise asked crouching down  "I'm okay I think the mic has indented itself into my side." getting up slowly "Okay let's go before all the good spots are gone." holding my hand "I love it when you're territorial." kissing her head "Me too, Mr Deji can you move over so Ikenna can sit while I'm on his lap." nodding his head "Of course Ms Firecracker." he said 

While the game starts Blaise begins to yawn "Is my baby tired?" I ask whispering in her ear "Yeah I am." Blaise says as she starts playing with my rings "You know your rings look great on your hands." making me laugh "Really?" nodding her head we hear Dami ask Natalia "who's the person you fancy the most?" he asks her


"Dami is such a shit stirrer I still stand by what I said no wonder him and Amber went so well together both being the biggest assholes and shit stirrers. There should be an award for that honestly." I said rolling my eyes "If we're giving out awards might as well give you the bluntness award." kissing her head 

 "Well I have two so it would be Ikenna or Adam." "Of course you would stalker." I mumble under my breath getting laughs from Indiyah, Ikenna and Deji. "Ikenna truth or dare?" Natalia asked "Let's go with truth." he said "Which bombshell do you fancy the most?" she asked as I rolled my eyes

"Blaise since my girlfriend was a bombshell." kissing my shoulder as I begin  smirking at her "No I me-" I cut her off "You've already asked the question so have a bag of shhh and eat the bag of shhh." leaning into Ikenna I could feel his chest vibrate with laughter while the others face's were either shocked or trying not to laugh

"Blaise is just not having it. I was trying so hard not to laugh." Paige said laughing "The bag of shhh and eat it just really got me." Adam laughed

"You never know what Blaise is going to say she's so unpredictable and that's why I love her so much." Tasha laughed loudly "She's just..... honestly I've just go no words." Andrew laughs 

"I felt that was uncalled for so I'm going to most definitely talk to her tomorrow but I think the only reason she's acting like that is because she's most definitely threatened by me I mean who wouldn't."Natalia said 

"Like Blaise is being very disrespectful towards Natalia like man she don't deserve it." Dami said sitting next to a laughing Indiyah "What come on you can't tell me that wasn't funny." Indiyah smiled at him "Well it was pretty funny though." Dami nodded his head before letting out a laugh

We watch as the stalker whispers something into Jamie's ear "Blaise truth or dare?" he asks "Truth." shifting slightly "If Ikenna was to be dumped would you leave with him before you both we're together?" he asked glaring at him and I know for sure Ikenna's glaring at him

"I would leave for him in a heartbeat together or not, also mate think for yourself you don't need the dugong looking thing whispering in your ear to find or create any cracks between Ikenna and I." crossing my arms as I stare down Natalia before getting up grabbing ikenna's hand and walking away "It's been a long day let's sleep." ikenna said

"Yeah it has we didn't even nap today I'm so proud of us." smiling at him sitting on the bed taking my shoes off as i watch ikenna undress "Stop being a perv." he said leaning down "I like what I see and  i can't help it." kissing him pouting as he pulls back before pulling me up "Okay here is one of my shirts go get changed and lets go brush our teeth." Ikenna said

Once we do what's needed I see Natalia sitting on the draw set at the end of our bed "What are you doing?" I ask taking off my mic "I'm just checking out the bedroom especially this bed." She said "Sweetie  you and Ikenna are never gonna fucking happen so quit while you're ahead." climbing onto my side of the bed 

"Natalia, I'm not interested in you I've found the love of my life end of story." Ikenna said taking his mic off "I me-" I groan out "Shut up! Take a fucking hint and go to bed!" making Tasha laugh along with Andrew who snorts "Don't laugh it's rude." Natalia huffed 

 "It's funny but the only rude part is you still being here. Who are John Cena waving your hand in front of your face saying 'You can't see me' well even Stevie wonder is blind and he can still see you still here so what's your excuse?" Adam lets out this loud laugh along with the others  before  Natalia walks out 

"Blaise have I ever told you that I love you." Tasha said still giggling "Not enough but I love you too." winking at her "You and your insults it's like never ending book." Adam said "In the wise words of Mark Hunter a.k.a my dad says 'Blaise insults are the best way to tell some to shut the fuck up and to go away.'" I said 

"Your dad is a legend I can't wait to meet him on the family day." Ikenna admits "My dad is probably the funniest person you'd ever meet." I told him "I love you." he whispers in my ear "I love you too." before kissing him as the lights turn off 

"Now I know what you felt like with the guys coming after me it's fucking tiring." looking at him "It's not easy is it?" he asks "Nope I'm over it." smiling up at him "Good because we don't have to worry about that at all once we're out of here." kissing him 

AN:Hey guys I hope you enjoy this chapter like always. Please remember to vote, comment, drop a cheeky follow or maybe share with your friends also on my new love island  book I'll be starting from the episode Kale will come in because I felt as if the few  episodes before I found it hard to work with. Love you all including my ghost readers 🥰🩵

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