Long day

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Never in a million would I think I'd see Ikenna so fired up the way he was last night and it was extremely hot. Flinching as the lights turn on I noticed ikenna hasn't moved an inch "Come on baby wake up." I kiss his head "No thank you." he mumbles holding me closer "We can cuddle all day and not move." he nods his head "Okay I'll be back soon baby." kissing his head

The girls and I are sitting on the terrace couches I'm laying down on Tasha and my feet on Antigoni "So Blaise, what actually happened last night because it seems tense between Charlie and Ikenna?" Danica asked "Well Charlie asked me for a chat and I said yes not to be rude he told me that we'd be great together and we could do bits in the hideaway." 

They look at me in shock "What!" "You're Joking!" they all say together "I ran over to ikenna and told him what Charlie had said. Ikenna went and talked to him it kicked off  he told Charlie to stay in his fucking lane otherwise I'll run you over as a warning. Thats when you heard him shout Is that a threat." Antigoni rubs my legs 

"Jesus I've never seen ikenna like that." Paige said "Like he's coupled up with you and he wont get the fucking hint that I don't like him from day one I've told him you all heard me tell him that the door is bolted shut on ikenna and I getting to know other people." Tash scratches my head 

"Like I can't imagine what would happen if Charlie said something to ikenna and pushed him over the edge." Antigoni said "Hopefully it wont come to fist to fist because I know ikenna will smash him." Tasha said making me laugh

"Ikenna is built I'm not gonna lie." Antigoni said making us laugh "You know who else Davide." Paige said "He's got amazing titties to be honest." I said making them laugh getting a slap from Tasha "How big are yours Blaise?" Tasha asks "Double D." Ekin comes over and grabs them making us laugh "They're a hundred percent real." after squishing them 

After having our girl chat I put on a pair of my Ice and fire swimsuit collection grabbing my drink bottle walking downstairs "Ikenna!" I call out to him seeing he's not in the bedroom as I walk outside I see him on our usual spot the massive day bed with a plate of food. "Hi." climbing onto the bed 

"Hi." Ikenna says with a frown "You okay?" I ask climbing onto his lap "Yeah." I raise my eyebrows at him "It's just that you're mine and he won't leave you alone the amount of times you've told him no he just wont listen." I give him a passionate kiss "You know I'm yours and you're mine I claimed you." making him laugh 

"Amen." he says passing me a strawberry plopping it into my mouth "Delicious could use some chocolate though." munching on it making Ikenna shake his head "God I love you so so much." kissing him "I love you too." stealing the fruit from his hand 

"You know Ekin grabbed my boobs before." making him laugh "Why?" he coughs taking a sip of his water "Because I said Davide has amazing titties so she grabbed mine and asked what size they were feeling if they were real." I told him "Your not wrong but what are they?" he asks putting his hands on them 

"Double D. Now take your hands away from them." slapping his hands "You love it." he brings me in for a passionate kiss "You know I love our passionate kisses." Ikenna says "Trust me I know." kissing him back as he pulls me close.


This girl I tell you she's everything I've never felt anything like this before in my life. Ekin makes her way over to us "You'll never guess this so I was with Dami, Gemma, Indiyah and him." We nod our heads "So Dami was mind reading Gemma and said Luca was into her more than she is and said that her head would turn if a guy came in that fit her description and she nodded saying your not far off." Ekin finishes 

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