The Brainless bunch

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As soon as the boys walked in I was already over it and you could see it on my face as well. We learnt the boys names but to be honest I completely zoned out like I couldn't give an absolute flying fuck. I feel Tasha nudge my shoulder "What?" I ask "How are you and Ikenna?" one of the guys asked 

"Amazing and I'm closed off so don't even think about it otherwise I'll shove my heel up your asses." giving them a smile the boys eyes widen in fear making me smile on the inside "Be nice. say sorry" Ekin said "I'm not sorry." making some of us laugh  

Once the boys leave we all sit there and 'gossip' about the new boys "Blaise is there anyone you attracted to?" Danica asked "No. Didn't you hear me threaten them a minute ago." I told her "If there was anyo-" I cut her off "No Danica stop trying to push it." rolling my eyes 

She's getting on my nerves ever since I told her the truth that Antigoni should be here Danica is pissing me off, it's going to be a long few days for me. Groaning out at the lack of braincells some of these people have in here is just going to intensify my hatred in here till I get back to Ikenna  the boys and the girls I'm in here with is considered the brainless bunch.

"Blaise saying she's closed off is ridiculous but then I like a challenge." Billy said with a smile

"Yeah I'm not getting to know Blaise she actually scares me she maybe be short but I'd like to live." Josh said rubbing his neck 

"I think I did a good job scaring them so they stay away but I'm not a fan of one of them to be honest I completely zoned out when they said their names." shrugging my shoulders 


"Do you think Blaise's head is going to turn?" Jacques asked "No she gave me this for a reason, theres no way in hell her head would turn if so don't try and plant doubts into my head I don't want another Jay or Charlie would we?" I ask he shakes his head "How long it will take Blaise to insult one of the boys?" Luca asked 

"I give it a day, she probably zoned out when they began talking." I said making the boys laugh leaning back on my bean bag I look up at the sky wishing for Blaise to come back already. One of the phones pinged "Boys, as you know the girls went for drinks earlier this evening. They'll be staying away for a couple of days. Please now pack them a case for their trip. #Don'twaitup #CasaAmore." Jacques read out

Almost all of the boys cheered but Luca and I this is going to be a long few days for Blaise and I we rarely leave each others side without a doubt I will be sleeping at our spot on the day bed. I groaned as I had to get up "Blaise is really rubbing off on you, groaning twenty-four-seven." Luca said 

"Yes she is this is going to be painful for us." I said to him muttering out as we walk upstairs "Same here for me and Gem I don't know how Tommy did it with Molly-Mae." Luca said grabbing Gems and passing me Blaise's suitcase  we walk over to their stuff. I begin to pack her suitcase I decide to put my favourite dress inside for her so she can wear it when we see each other again from Casa.

Next I pack up her jewellery and her small amount of makeup she owns "It's crazy that Blaise owns a massive make up company yet she wears so little." Dami says seeing her small makeup kit "I know she prefers the natural look." I said racing downstairs grabbing a two of my jumpers and my cologne to packing her suitcase.

I see a small Dior bag opening it I put my rings and cologne inside so they don't get lost. "What are you giving Blaise?" Jacques asked "Well my rings and cologne along with two of my jumpers." folding them up zipping her suitcase.

"This is going to be so hard for Blaise and Ikenna." I hear Dami say as I take her stuff downstairs "Maybe this is his opportunity to see theres other girls that's better than Blaise." Jay said Luca looks at me with wide eyes "He's fucking dead when Blaise gets back." Luca said

 "I'm going to tell her everything he said he's meant to be our friend but I guess not." I said shrugging walking away "I mean he's not wrong none of us are in proper relationships so this is his chance." Andrew said I never expected to hear that coming from him 

"I'm staying true to her and I know she'll do the same but I can't say the same thing for Tasha and Andrew." I told him "You're right and if he tries to egg on me to fuck over Gemma then I'm done we stay loyal no matter what." Luca said "Blaise is going to nail his ass to the wall both Gem and her are close so she wont hesitate to fuck him up." I said getting ready for bed

"I can't believe what I just heard coming from Andrew he's always been so happy that I've found someone and now he want's me to fuck it up. No way in hell it's always going to be Blaise." shaking my head 

"Andrew why the fuck would you say that it's a fucking snake move. He's meant to be Ikenna's and Blaise's friend and now he's wanting him to get rid of Blaise that's fucked up." Luca says disappointed in Andrew

"Andrew when Blaise finds out you said that shit she will tare you a new one just you wait." Dami says 

"I know ikenna heard what I said but it's true this is a lads holiday what happens in Casa stays in Casa. What Blaise doesn't know won't hurt her same with the other girls." Andrew shrugs his shoulders as if it's nothing 

What Andrew didn't know that one of the producers had sent the recording to Blaise's phone.


"I got a message." I shout "What is it?" One of the boys asked "It's a fucking video." I said everyone gathers around turning up the volume seeing it's Andrew I click the video '"I know ikenna heard what I said but it's true this is a lads holiday what happens in Casa stays in Casa. What Blaise doesn't know won't hurt her same with the other girls." Andrew shrugs his shoulders as if it's nothing

Everyone's jaw drops "Oh shit." "Oh my god." "Fucking asshole." everyone mutters out "His ass is getting nailed to the wall when I get back because he's a dead man." I said "I wonder what else that cunt has said I don't trust the fucking rat." getting up and walking away 

"When I get back from Casa he's fucking dead to me I thought he was my friend but obviously not so I'm going to nail his ass to the wall he better fucking watch out because I'm mad and it takes a lot to push my buttons but he's cross the line big time. What a cunt." I said 

"I can't believe Andrew would say that it makes me think what else has he said behind our backs." Tasha said

"Andrew that's disgusting what the fuck." Indiyah said 

"Blaise is going to explode when she see's him I hope she chucks him in the pool." Ekin said 

"That was too far I hope Blaise rips into him when she gets back." George said 

"Andrew you're a goner mate nice to not know you." Deji said 

"I know has hurt Tasha knowing it's going to fuck up her's and Andrews relationship theres doubts gives me the opportunity to get Tasha to fall into my arms." Billy said 

AN: Oooft what a start to Casa Amore shit's already heading south. Andrews fucked up big time Blaise is ready to nail his ass to the wall. Ikenna no longer trusts Andrew same with Luca he's lost  friends it's only a matter of time till karma hits him. 

Remember to comment, vote and share with your friends like I said before I'm really hoping to hit a hundred followers on here before the end of the year. Love you all very very much 🥰

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