Charlie's getting on my nerves

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I wake up at the feeling of someone hitting my face with a pillow I grab it before it can hit me again "Get up." Blaise says opening my eyes seeing her dressed in her gym gear  as I sit up the lights come on wincing at the brightness 

"Why are you already dressed?" Andrew asked her "Ikenna wanted to do gym work so that's what's gonna happen train like a Formula 1 driver." my eyes widen "And trust me it's not easy. Your going to hurt." smirking at me "You know what I'm gonna join you." Luca said "Same here it can't be that bad." Dami smiled 

"Well hurry the fuck up and get dressed now!" Blaise claps as she walks out "Bossy." Andrew mutters out "You guys wanna join?" the others shake their head "Nope I wanna watch." Jacques says  after we get dressed and ready the boys and I walk outside "No breakfast." she shouts at us 

"Okay miss flame thrower what do we start with?" Dami asked "Stretches obviously dingle berry to warm up can't have you guys tare a muscle." smiling at us Blaise walks us through the stretching routine which seems easy "That's not so bad." Luca says standing up "Now let the games begin." Blaise rubs her hands together like a mad man 

After a while our muscles are hurting pretty badly I'm laying on my back, Luca is in a ball beside me and Dami well he's in a fatal position "I take it back. I take it back." Luca mutters out "Never again will I doubt you Blaise." Dami says "Never again." Blaise laughs at us "I'm going to make pancakes how many do you each want?" she asks 

"Never ever underestimate a girl named Blaise because she'll kick your ass to the curb. I hold so much respect her " Luca asked 

"I'm regretting all of my life choices especially being friends with Blaise..... I'm only joking maybe." Dami groans feeling his stomach clench 

"Two." "Two." "Three." we all say together Blaise walks away "That's just pure evil." Andrew says laughing sitting down next to us with a bean bag "I have so much respect for her." Luca says  trying to sit up but cringes as he does "I can't believe they do this workout." Dami stretches out 

"That's just one of hers they have multiple different workouts." sitting up passing them our drink bottles "Charlies in the kitchen trying to chat her up." my head snaps to where she is making me roll my eyes "She just slapped his hand with a spatula." Andrew says laughing "She did that to me when I tried to steal one of ikenna's pancakes." Luca rubs his hand 

"Fuck off Charlie leave Blaise alone. She doesn't want you near her." I mutter out "I'm going to go save her." Andrew says getting up running over to the kitchen "Thank you!" I shout at him "You don't like him do you?" Dami asked "Like he hasn't done anything to me it's just that he makes Blaise uncomfortable and she's my girl I trust her instinct." The boys nod their heads 

"Blaise is like a sister in here so I trust her judgement on things and when Ikenna said she doesn't want Charlie anywhere near her my protective brother instinct came out." Andrew says 

"Thank you Blaise and Andrew." we say as the pass us our pancakes "Theres also whip cream as well." She says "God I love you." I say as she sits next to me "So what was he chatting to you about?" Luca asked Blaise 

"So he was going on about how much he likes me and thinks that we'd be a great couple and I told him no." rolling her eyes "Seriously?" I ask she nods her head "And when I went to the kitchen Blaise was telling him that B wants I and not C because she's not interested in C and can choke on B's left nut." Andrew says I choke on my pancake and the others to laugh 

"Charlie is really getting on my nerves recently he's been staring at Blaise when she walks past him or whenever she's alone he's always trying to talk to her and never once has Blaise ever been uncomfortable with any of the guys until now. I know I'm sounding possessive but he needs to back down and leave her alone because I'm not having it." shaking my head as I cross my arms

"You are something else I swear." Luca says "I think he's not going to take no for an answer because he was so fucking persistent if he keeps going I wont hesitate to chuck him in the pool." Blaise says 


"I agree he won't back down from her." Andrew agrees "If worst comes to worst I will say something to him because she's mine and mine only." Ikenna says kissing my hand "I think we need a nap." I said "Yeah I agree." Ikenna says finishing his food "Have fun getting up boys." I said grabbing the plates with Andrew grabs the other stuff. 

"I know I told ikenna that I'm not interested in her but I just can't help it she's just so beautiful like it's almost like she's teasing me somehow." Charlie says  

"That was so cruel." he says making me shrug "it's the way the world works bro." shrugging his shoulders "How do you feel about ikenna?" he asks as we make our way to the kitchen "I genuinely love him like before I came in here my heart was just cold and broken didn't think I'd find anyone in here but then Ikenna he's made me feel whole again something that I lost when Julian died." giving him a soft smile 

leaning on the counter "Before you came in ikenna was just a hopeless soul he wasn't getting anything with Indiyah he was actually debating on leaving then you've come in and just turned him around I've never seen him happier than he has been with you." putting the dishes in the washer.

"Her Blaise can we have a chat please?" Tasha asks "sure where do you wanna go?" I ask she points to the big circle bed. "Let's go." linking arms with her "Is everything ok?" she shakes her head as we make our way over. "Blaise how do you do it?" she asks climbing onto the bed 

"Do you what?" tilting my head "Not give a fuck like genuinely." she asks making me laugh "Theres a little story so be patient." Tash nods her head "The time I learnt not to give a fuck was when I went through the toughest point in my life. 

When I lost Julian I lost everything that I knew and had, became cold, distant and angry at the world. Only answered my phone or messages when needed to rarely talked to anyone and shut them all out I became a person that I'm not proud of worked harder than I ever did before it was win after win but then I snapped.

Christian my boss is the reason I'd snapped he told me to pull my head out of my ass start fucking communicating because if I didn't I would be dropped from being a driver and put into reserve and I told him to fuck off go ahead drop me see which way the wind blows. I was tired of people telling me what to do how to act so I lost it.

Went back home to Australia stayed with mum and dad I remember a specific talk dad and I had he goes 'Blaise Amara Hunter stop giving a fuck about what people say because if you do it's going to make you sick worry about the things you can control and don't worry about what you can't." making Tasha smile grabbing her hand

"So the life lesson I learned was to worry about things you can and don't worry about the things you can't control. Tash you can't control what people think and how they feel only they can do it but you can control your emotions, your heart and mind. So thats a little story on how not to give a flying fuck." making Tash laugh 

"Listening to Blaise speak about how she learnt not to give a fuck was great. I know we aren't best mates but she gave me advice that none of the other girls can I think that brought us closer." Tasha says with a genuine smile 

"Thanks you made me feel better, you're the only girl in here that I can come for advice about things like that." she jumps on me giving me a hug "Oh my god!" nearly falling off the bed laughing "It's no issue T." sitting back up  we look over hearing loud groaning coming from the boys 

Making me laugh "What did you do?" she asked as Gemma and Paige came over to us "The boys thought it would be easy to work out like a Formula 1 driver so I gave them a bit of what I do." Laughing "I think you broke them." Gemma says watching Luca try struggling to walk 

"BLAISE AMARA HUNTER!" Ikenna shouts "He's pulled a me I said his full name yesterday before I started hitting him with my shoe after that hickey he left on me." getting a laugh from the girls "BLAISE!" ikenna shouts "I better go help him." "Thanks again B." waving at the girls before running over to "I'm here you big baby. Let's go for a nap." walking inside hearing him groan

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