Casa Amore

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I woke up with a sick feeling in my stomach not one that I'd vomit but one that's like a rollercoaster it giving me the feeling the drop is coming up and it's coming up quick. "Morning." Blaise whispered as she moves on top of me "Morning you." pulling her as close as I can she puts her head into my neck holding her tight not wanting to let go. 

Kissing the side of her head reaching over onto my side table grabbing my sunglasses putting them on getting ready for the lights "3, 2, 1." Blaise counts down as the lights turn on making me laugh we hear everyone groan "I feel something is going to happen tonight." I told her

"Same here." She said "Morning party people." Blaise shouts people groan "Stop being loud." Luca said "Now you know how I feel every fucking morning since I've been in here. You don't like it do ya." she said making me laugh "So last night was crazy." Tasha said "Preach it Tasha." Blaise said "Your full of energy this morning." I said 

"No theres no energy it's my zero fucks card. That i haven't used for a while." making others laugh I run my hands down her back before resting on her ass "So squishy." squeezing it a couple of times before playing the drums on them. "Alright ms firefly let's get dressed." Ekin said I let Blaise get up kissing her quickly before she leaves 

"So how was everyone's sleep." Luca asked "Pretty good." "Good." "Alright." rubbing my eyes before I get out of bed and making it "I want Casa to hurry up so I can ask Blaise to be my girlfriend." making their eyes widen "Holy shit!" "Yes!" the boys said "Ikenna are you sure." Jay asked "Jay shut the fuck up." I told him 

 Blaise walks inside with a bright pink swimmer's on and I say this time and time with my chest she looks so hot twenty-four-seven. "Kill me now." Blaise said "Why?" I ask her "I think Danica is mad at me." she winces "What happened?" I asked "She asked me a question since Jay decided to tell her what you said last night." I look at her in confusion 

"She asked me why do you think ikenna said I struggled to find a connection?" she said as we walk outside "I told her I don't control you're thoughts but he's right you've had three chances to get to know someone and it didn't work while Antigoni got fuck all." Blaise said "Baby you can be so blunt at times." wrapping my arm around her shoulders

"Yes but people need to hear the truth when they don't want to, growing up I was always told the quicker you rip off a bandaid the quicker the sting goes." Blaise shrugs her shoulders "That's a good one." making her laugh "I know dad taught me that one." she said after we had breakfast the day went quicker than expected 


Today was one of the quickest days in here something tells me Casa Amore is just around the corner before it even happens I know a hundred percent that I'm staying loyal to ikenna no way two ways about it. Tonight I've decided I want to give ikenna the ring trust is a major thing for me and now I'm trusting him with my prize possessions so he needs to keep it safe for me.

Tonight I feel like doing my make up but the question is what I want to do this is one of the many things I hate about but then again  I'm also indecisive as well. Looking over my outfit I noticed I own a lot of black "Blaise has anyone ever told you own so much black." Indiyah said "I was actually thinking about it actually." zipping up my white heels 

" zipping up my white heels 

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"You did your hair and make up what's going on with you?" Gemma asked "I just feel like it

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"You did your hair and make up what's going on with you?" Gemma asked "I just feel like it." shrugging my shoulders tighting my hair tie. Walking back over to my make up kit I grab the black box putting it in my pockets. "I've got a text." Indiyah said I move over behind her reading it and I'm not pleased one bit.

"Girls, it's time to get the drinks flowing as youre all off for a girls night out. #Cocktailhour #shankenandstirred." she finishes out I hold my hand over my ears as the girls scream and right her I know this is Casa Amore.

"I'm going to have a terrible time being away from Ikenna I know it's clingy but he's my everything. Ikenna has given me no reason to not to trust him I know he won't ruin what we have at all and it's the same for me." I said with a sad smile 

Walking downstairs with the girls I feel nothing but nerves and I hate it as we make our way through to them I quickly rush into the bedroom and put the box next to River. I walk back over to the girls who are waiting for me making my way to ikenna "I love you." He said "I love you too. theres a present for you on our bed." kissing him one last time before walking out of the place with Tasha.

"This is Casa Amore for sure." I told them they nod their heads in agreement "Are you going to stay loyal to ikenna?" Danica asked "Of course I am nothing or no one will change about how I feel with him." smiling at her 


"This is going to be Casa Amore and I'm already hating it with a burning passion." I said 

I walk back into the room going over to our bed I see River and the black box "Oh my god." I whisper out I feel tears make their way to my eyes putting it back on the bed I wipe my tears "Why you crying man?" Dami asked me "Ikenna what's up?" Luca asked sitting across from me 

"This is why I'm crying." passing them the box "Holy shit!" Luca said looking at me "That looks expensive." Dami said "That's because it's Blaise's championship ring." making their mouth drops before passing it back to me 

"She showed this to me the other day her words were I give you this I give you my heart." taking it out of the box and putting it on my middle finger "She must really love you to give you that." I kiss the ring "I know I'm going to keep it safe." smiling at them 

AN: Here it is Casa Amore is here guys this is chaos my loves.

This I what I imagine Blaise's championship ring is like but it has the red bull logo on it.

This I what I imagine Blaise's championship ring is like but it has the red bull logo on it

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