The truth has been exposed!

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"Have you ever watched high school musical?" Blaise asked sitting on my lap in the pool chairs "No, why?" playing with the strings on the side of her swimsuit "No I was just wondering because theres this really nice song called 'Scream' it's a banger." she told me as I laugh bringing some water up and splashing it against her chest making her squeal 

"Babe!" laughing into her shoulder before I place my hands on her chest giving them a quick squeeze before letting them drop to her side "Mine." I whisper in her ear "If you two are going to fornicate take it somewhere else please." Deji said making us laugh 

"We weren't going to fornicate that has to wait till we get out." I watch as Blaise puts her face in the water trying to hide her embarrassment. Grabbing her head and bringing it up so she lays back against me "I love you." putting my head on her shoulder. Blaise turns her head slightly before giving me a kiss "I love you too." 

Our moment of silence is broken by a phone going off "I've got a text!" Lacey said standing up "Jamie, Reece, Natalia and Lacey. It's time for you to head out on your first dates.... Please now all choose one islander each to date and get ready to leave the villa! Hashtag TimeForTheFourToExplore Hashtag TakeYourPick!" Lacey said 

Blaise and I groan "I swear if the stalker ask y- Ikenna would you like to come on the date with me?" Blaise is cut off by Natalia "No thank you I'm good here with my girlfriend." getting a low whistle from Deji and a few laughs

 "But I'd like if you wo-" this time it's Blaise who cuts her off "Sweetie no means no. Go pick someone else."  making me laugh into her back  "Fine, Adam would you like to come on the date with me?" Natalia asked "Of course." Adam said 

"The audacity she has to even try with you my boyfriend is unbelievable." Blaise said rolling her eyes "Don't let her get to you because if you do that mean she wins and we can't have that do we?" I ask her as she shakes her head "No we can't." kissing her head "Now the best case scenario we can do is just ignore the situation." giving her advice 

"Let's go for a nap since we didn't have on yesterday." Blaise said tugging my arm "Okay let's go baby." throwing her over my shoulder "Bye guys you won't see us till later." Blaise shouts making me laugh as I throw her onto the bed "What am I a sack of potato's?" shaking my head at her question 

"For one your my sack of potato's and two I love you but lets go to sleep." climbing on top of her dropping my full body weight on her making Blaise laugh as I kiss her lips before tapping my back "Baby as much as I love you. You're squishing me." getting off of her with a pretended offended look "Are you calling me fat?" she shakes her head 

"No you've just got a lot of heavy muscle." making me laugh as we both get into bed ready to sleep.

"We come back in from the dates and you know I expect Ikenna and Blaise to be out there so I can have a chat with him and to get the feel of how we are going to be in a couple but turns out him and Blaise we're asleep." Natalia rolls her eyes 

The producers in the hut all looked at each other as if she's bat shit crazy because no one will get in-between Blaise and Ikenna. Once she leaves the beach hut they began talking shit  "If her and Blaise went into a cage fight Blaise would flatten her." "Amen." "I'd watch that Natalia is fucking wacko thinking Ikenna will go for her." Making them laugh 


"Blaise babe's wake up!" Groaning out as I hear Ekin's voice "Alright I'm up!" opening my eyes seeing her holding a pillow ready to whack me with it "We don't use pillows for violence." Ikenna said "That's redundant I hit you with a pillow once to get ready for an F1 work out." standing up and stretching before getting dragged away to get dressed 

"Blaise what is that outfit?" Tasha asked "What's wrong with it?" looking in the mirror "Your wearing your pyjamas and a pair of sliders." Indiyah pointed out "Look I just can't really be bothered tonight to dress up so why not wear comfy outfit so you can shoot straight into bed. How about I put my fancy jacket it on and call it a day." smiling at the girls bar Natalia before walking downstairs 

"I'm here!" I shout walking into the bedroom "Are you wearing Pyjama's?" Luca asked "Yep I just can't really be bothered to give a flying fuck at the moment to dress up." shrugging my shoulders "So you put on a I'm guessing your design on a jacket and called it a day?" Andrew asked "You are correct." holding Ikenna's hand as we make our way outside 

"I can't wait for this to be over so we can have some privacy." he said kissing my neck "Same here, I can go back to racing and build a life with you." I said moving my neck a bit more so he's got more to kiss "I can't wait for that either, traveling around the world going on dates in a foreign countries, having sweet intimacy in private and the best part about it all is that it's with you." wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me in closely 

As we enjoy the moment of silence it get's interrupted by the stalker herself "Blaise can I talk to you for a minute?" she asked "Fine." huffing out kissing ikenna before walking away with her to the fire pit "Can you sit." I raise my eyebrows "Your in no room for demands. Now what do you need?" I ask 

"Look can we please put what happened in the past behind us I hate having hostility." She said "No." flat out telling her "Why not it's been years since it's happened why are you holding a grudge against me?" She questioned I look at her as if she's stupid "Because what you did was caused a lot of trauma to Julian. That trauma ran so deep we moved countries because of you Julian didn't feel safe in our own home cause you knew where we lived and he had to go to therapy, so  we got you band from all of the Grand Prix's so you couldn't worm your way in and let's not the restraining order. And that grudge I have against you will never be dropped." I told her bluntly 

"But Ju-" I cut her off "Julian may not be here anymore but I am and what you've done is unforgettable. And also the fact you lied to the press saying that you and Christian had a 'relationship a sexual one and you got pregnant' and he gave you hush money so you wouldn't tell but it was flat out lies and you know it I know it the entire fucking Red Bull team knew it as well what you were trying to do Natalia.

So whatever you've got planned to try and ruin Ikenna and I need's to put to a stop to it now because it's never going to work. So give up." I said in a cold tone "Your a bit possessive of ikenna no?" she asked trying to push my buttons "We're both possessive of each other in a good way so I warn you again don't try remember this  airs on tv they see what happens. 

Natalia one last thing before I go  is that people you know will see you in a different light now because I've told my truth and I feel sorry for you because you could've avoided waiting till next season or not going on here at all but yet you did. As long as you stay out of mine and Ikenna's relationship than shit's not going to fly so good luck trying to find the one." I said before walking back over to Ikenna and jumping on him 

"It felt so good to get that off my chest at her but do you hear that baby?" I ask as he looks at me funny "Hear what?" he asks "That's the sweet fucking kangaroo jumping, kookaburra  singing sound of serenity." Ikenna laughs at me "I'm so proud of the way you handled her, I know she was pushing your buttons a lot and you kept your cool and I love you very much." he said looking down at me "I love you too." kissing him 

The crew in the beach hut always smile when the pair are together it's rare not to see a smile on their faces. It's impossible for people not to see how deeply in love they are with each other, the producers have come to the realisation that this is there highest viewed season ever on love island and it's all thanks to Ikenna and Blaise.

AN: Hello my amazing readers I hope you all have enjoyed this chapter. I do have two new books the Australian love island with Kale as the love interest and the YouTube love one with Niko, please go check those out it'll be great. Don't forget to vote comment share and drop a cheeky follow because that helps with my confidence as well with being a writer but once again thank you for all of this support on this book 🩵😁🥰

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