The date part 2

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As the driver parks the car and we get out "Are we at a race track?" I ask Blaise she nods her head as she jumps up and down clapping like a madman. "Come on let's go." she grabs my hand as we walk through the gate the producers point us to as she steps onto the track her smile widens 

"I've missed this." she says "Yeah I can tell." laughing at her I turn my head to the right and see something on the track "What's that?" she follows my gaze. Blaise squeals and runs off towards the thing "Babe wait for me." I shout running after her Jesus she's fast self note never challenge her to a race.

 As I get closer it looks like a car and a death trap "Ikenna this is my car. My Formula 1 car." my eyes widen at the sight of it "Wow. you drive in this?" pointing to it "Yes sir. This is my pride and joy so many wins and losses and don't forget the crashes." I smile at her seeing how passionate she is about her car.

"This is the car I beat many champions before me,  you wanna get in?" I nod my head "Of course." walking closer to it "So one leg at a time once you get in grab the halo and lower yourself inside and boom." I follow her instructions.

"Holly shit this is so fucking cool and low to the ground." looking up at her as she's crouching next to me "So you like?" she asks "Hell yeah." making her laugh I lean over a little and kiss her. "I know but it's the greatest thing that's happened to me." making me laugh "What about me?" I ask "Meh." making us laugh 

"So Blaise we know how much you miss racing. We're going to allow you to drive Ikenna in one of these." the producer said  "Let's fucking go!" she shouts "Yes I'd love to." she smiles while my eyes widen "Alright we've got your stuff in the change rooms." the producer said 

"To get out just do the same you got in." I do exactly that "You excited?" she asks "Yeah what about you." she claps her hands together "Is that even a question." making me laugh. After I got dressed I saw Blaise in her RedBull suit half done up tying her shoes "You look spectacular." catching her attention 

"You look divine." I lean down smiling into the kiss I pout as she pulls away. "These are for you to communicate with me as I drive." nodding my head as I put them in "The balaclava as you know how to put that on and then the helmet," she says 

Watching her put it on with such ease amazes me "You look like you've robbed a bank." making her laugh before putting her helmet on I flick up the visor to see her eyes "I love you." I tell her "I don't. I'm joking." making me laugh.

 "Okay Ikenna so like Blaise told you the earphones are for how you communicate with her." the producer told me as I got in the car "Also be ready these cars are fast." I nod as they buckle me in "Blaise you know what to do." she nods her head jumping in the car 

"Warm up the tyres then flying lap." she says "Well do two flying laps." Blaise throws a thumbs up "Ikenna can you hear me?" Blaise asks "Loud and clear baby." I jump as she turns it on and begins to drive this is an experience I'm never going to forget.

I hold on as she begins to turn corners "How are you holding up back there?" She asks as we go around corners "Pretty good not too bad." I hear her laugh "That's good because that's nothing." making my face drop as we turn the last corner she begins to speed.

 "Oh fuck me!" I shout as the force pushes me back "I will I promise." I hear her say I'm so happy that she can't see me right now I'm blushing like crazy "No babe it's the other way around." I shout I just hear her laugh 

"Holy shit!"  "Hahahaha......" I hear her laugh "This is so fucking amazing!" I shout holding tightly  as my body goes side to side "Last lap!" "What!" I shout the force is so much harder now she's going faster "I'm going to fucking vomit!" I mumble out "My eyes are watering." I say over the radio. 

"You'll be right." making me laugh we start to slow down "You enjoy that baby?" she asks as we come down to the stop


 I missed being behind the wheel, being in control of the car and the adrenaline rush when racing. Hearing Ikenna shout from behind in excitement made me smile once we came to a stop I heard Ikenna.

"I think I'm going to vomit." turning off the car unbuckling myself and jumping out of the car I see Ikenna sprint to the side, taking my helmet and balaclava off and unzipping my suit I watch as ikenna throws up. Walking over to him and rubbing his back "Let it all out baby." looking away as he vomits

"You know this is your fault." grabbing the water bottle took a sip swishing before spitting it out "How is it my fault!" I ask "Because it just is." I laugh at his reason "Just walk it off." I tell him backing up as he playfully glares at me

"How about a kiss." he walks towards me with his arms out "Nope fuck off." I yell running away from him "I thought you love me?" he says running after me "I do just not to that extent." laughing he picks me up throwing me over his shoulder "Put me down!" I tell him 

"Ikenna!" I shout as he spins me around "Say you love me!" he shouts "Never!" smacking his butt "Say it!" "No!" "Say it!" "Never!" "Say it!" he smacks my ass hard "Fine I love you!" I tell him as he puts me down "Kiss?" I give him you fucking serious look "Still a no when we get back to the villa." he nods his head kissing my head and squeezing me tight 

"Stop now you're going to make puke." his chest vibrates as he laughs and that makes me happy. "Alright let's head back to the villa," Ikenna says before we go change. Once we walk through the doors Ikenna shout "We're back!" "Remember we do not speak of me puking," he whispers 

"The first rule of fight club is don't talk about fight club." I say making him laugh everyone rushes up to us as we sit down "So how was it?" Luca asked 

"I'll let you answer this one." looking up at Ikenna "It was fucking awesome it was an experience I'll never forget." kissing the side of my head 

"What was it?" Ekin asked "Well we went to a racing track and drove around on it." I said, "That's bullshit." Dami says "I got to experience being in an actual Formula 1 car." Ikenna says making their eyes go wide "I sat in the back as she drove me around the track." making me laugh 

"How fast did you go?" Davide asked us "Super fucking fast!" making everyone laugh "So I did a warm-up lap going around  150 and the first flying lap was just above 170 and the final one was 240." making me smile "Holy shit I would have died!" Dami said 

"I got to see this one in her element and I've never seen someone that excited to see a car before." ruffling up my hair and slapping his hand away after the debrief of our date 

"So what did we miss?" Ikenna asked "Well Paige and Jacques got into an argument over him talking to you." I nod my head "So basically nothing." Ikenna says making us laugh 

"Blaise is everything to me I never thought I'd meet someone like that no doubt Blaise will be in my future," Ikenna says with a genuine smile 

"Ikenna is special and he's a different species that I've never come across and I love it, I'm finally happy after six years of being alone I know ikenna is in my future," I said with a wide smile 

What ikenna and Blaise don't know is that they're breaking records with the voting each week. People have been going crazy over the way they look at each other and broke the internet when they first kissed. 

The producers have fallen in love with both of them so that is why Ikenna and Blaise have the most screen time.

AN: Hey guys please remember to comment, vote and share with your friends maybe also drop a sneaky follow there as well. I'm also starting a new Love Island book and it will be coming soon so be ready😁

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