The date part 1

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Since the start of this experiment, I never thought I'd find anyone. Indiyah and I just weren't clicking to be honest going home sounded great until this beautiful, smart woman named Blaise came walking from the deck straight into my arms. 

People say happy ever afters are for dreamers but I found mine in the woman lying in my arms and she's perfect no one can tell me otherwise. Kissing the nape of her neck I get a breathy moan from her "Morning." I whisper into her ear "Morning." she says turning around to see me lying on my back making her sit up 

We both flinch at the lights coming on "That annoys me." she kisses me I put my hand on her cheek "Me too." bringing her in for another kiss "Morning lovebirds." Luca says Blaise just grunts in response making me laugh 

"Blaise says good morning." I answer for her "No I don't" she says into my neck "No she doesn't." they both say at the same time making me laugh "Come on Blaise let's get dressed. You can cuddle him later" Ekin pulls Blaise out of the bed 

Dami jumps over to me "So what are you going to do?" he asks "What's going on?" Andrew asks "Jacques is going to pull Blaise for a chat." I tell him "He's never been interested in her until now." Andrew sips on his bottle walking over to us 

"I know there's only one reason he wants to talk to her." I said walking into the dressing room "And that is?" Andrew asks if he seriously is that stupid "Her money." Dami does hand movements that represent money. "You can't be serious." Andrews's eyes widen "Yes. Me and Jacques had a little tif as Blaise calls it." I said putting on my blue shorts

"What!" I nod my head putting my mic on "Yeah he thinks that I'm threatened by him and he believes Blaise is going to leave me for him." rolling my eyes "I overheard him talking to Remi and Jay that he's going to pull her for a chat sometime today." Dami says as we walk outside 

"She's only got eyes for you I don't understand his logic at all." Andrew scoffs "Blaise calls him a walking talking red flag." making Andrew and Dami choke on their drinks "She said that?" Andrew laughs I nod. We continue our conversation as we make our way to the big day bed underneath a tree 

Shortly after we got on the bed were joined by Dami, Gemma, Luca and Davide "Blaise what would you say if someone wanted to get to know you on a romantic level?" Dami asks as she gets comfortable on my lap "Suck my hairy ball sack" making us laugh "Why- would- you -say -that." Gemma says coughing between words 

"Because I can plus I don't want anyone else having ikenna is enough for me." she says looking up at me and giving a little kiss making me feel butterflies "You two are so in love it makes me sick," Dami said 

"Blaise, can we have a chat?" Jacques asks "Okay?" her answer is more like a question he goes to touch her she slaps his hand away making me chuckle as they get further away "It's happening." Andrew says "What's happening?" Gemma asks "Jacques wants to get to know Blaise." Dami answers 

"He's never been interested in her... it's about her money isn't it." Luca says I nod my head watching this all unfold "What a fucking gold digger." Davide said 


"So Blaise you're probably wondering why I asked to talk to you." I just give him a blank look "I'm gonna say this outright, I find you attractive and I want to get to know you on a deeper level like romantic." he says I unscrew my water bottle lid "Yeah." smile "Yeah so would y-" he's cut off by me throwing my water over him 

"What was that for?" he asks whipping his face "I'm not dumb plus I'd rather kiss cow shit than have something with you." shrugging my shoulders walking away leaving an angry and embarrassed Jacques behind. "So what happened?" Ikenna asks as I climb onto his lap 

"He goes 'I find you attractive and want to get to know you on a romantic level'" mimicking him "So I threw my water at him and said I'd rather kiss cow shit than have something with him." making them laugh "Savage," Luca said 

"I'm fucking annoyed I'm not going to lie I told him to stay in his lane and now he's done this." Ikenna rolls his eyes

"I'm fuming I can't believe he did that to Paige. Blaise is wrapped up in Ikenna she never looked two ways at anyone else but Ikenna." Gemma shakes her head 

"Jacques and I have something to settle he wants to go talk to Blaise and be interested in her with me at the same time nope not going to happen," Paige says rubbing her face

"Jacques is a fuck with chapter close end of the story." clapping my hands and shrugging my shoulders 

Ikenna and I are chilling with the group until I hear my phone ping "Message!" ikenna shouts "Ikenna and Blaise it's time for your first date better buckle up it's going to be a ride. #Holdontight #Rememberitslightsoutandawaywego." I read out I re-read the hashtags making me laugh

Gemma and Ekin squeal while I clap getting up from the chair I make my way inside with the girls "Okay what to wear?" Gemma goes through my closet "We want a natural look." Ekin said, "What was the hashtag again?" Ekin asked

 "The hashtags are held on tight and remember it's lights out and away we go." the girls look at me confused "It means racing." making me grin "Do you miss it?" Ekin asks as she puts light blush on my cheeks  "Racing? Yeah all the time but I owe it to myself to find love and here I am with Ikenna." smiling at them 

"Awww." Both Gemma and Ekin have their hands on their hearts "Are you going to go back to it once Love Island is finished?" Gemma passes me my cargo pants "Yes and I will gladly travel the world with Ikenna show him everything." 

"You guys are couple goals for real. You must be in love with him." Ekin says "Yeah I am, after six years of being by myself I've finally found someone who makes me feel alive." Gemma wipes a tear "Are you crying!" I laugh "Of course you fucking bitch you made me cry." she says 

Ekin's just pissing herself laughing "Go away I hate the both of you." Gemma says throwing me a pair of shoes "Alright now you're ready to go." Ekin says walking me out to Ikenna. "You look hot." Ikenna said holding my hand as we walked out of the villa "You ready?" I ask him "Yeah I'm excited." he rubs his hands together like a madman

AN: Hey guys I'm finally back with this book. I just want to say thank you to everyone for supporting and commenting I love you all remember to comment, vote and share also maybe throw a cheeky follow 🥰

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