Two public executions

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Never in a million years would I think I'd have a falling out with Dami he's meant to be my closes friend in here but after last night it's got me thinking about is intentions. "You know it's kinda disrespectful to not to get to know the girls." he said to me  "Hang on a second it's disrespectful that I'm not wanting to get to know them." looking at him in disbelief

"I mean yeah look at it theres these beautiful girls around why not take your shot."  he said "Dami just because you're here making out with these girls doesn't mean I have to do what you, Andrew and Jacques are doing."  rolling my eyes "I think your being fake." making my eyes widen 

"I'm being fake. Fuck off how am I being fake I'm staying true to myself not letting  Andrew or any body in here trying to influence my decision my heart and brain is with Blaise. Like I told Andrew just because your fucking up doesn't mean for you to drag me down with you." glaring at him before walking inside

"Once I get back to the villa I'm not letting go of Blaise I'm not doing it ever again." I said 

Sitting down on one of the day beds looking down at Blaise's ring making me smile I bring it up to my lips kissing it before looking through the photo's of Blaise and I on my phone which makes me smile wider "I can't wait to get back to you." before laying down and falling asleep 

I wake up to the feeling of something wrong looking at my hand seeing Blaises ring is gone. I get up "who has her ring." getting off the bed before I hear giggling "It's nice isn't it." I hear coco having it on her finger  "Give it back to him." Mollie said "I think I'm going to keep it." she said in that snobby and bitchy voice of hers.

"That's not your fucking ring give it back." I said holding out my hand "No it's mine." she said I see mollie take it off her finger before handing it back to me "Who the fuck do you think you are taking something that doesn't belong to you." giving her a glare "I'm sorry no it does." she said "No you just tried to fucking take her ring scratch that MY RING that Blaise gave me." looking at her 

"What's going on?" Luca asks "Coco over here thought it would be a great idea to steal Blaise's ring from me while I was asleep." putting it back on his eyes widen "Your fucked." Luca says knowing how ruthless she is "It was just a joke." she said "No. Blaise won't hesitate to sue you for this." Luca said Blaise once told us she sued the daily mail for a couple hundred million for realising a tape of her changing in her own home and for realising her address

"This ring is worth more than everything you own. You'll know when she finds out because she will drag you through the mud and will put you down like a dog." I told her "Ikenna she's not all that like come on." rolling her eyes at me I see the others eyes widen "You know nothing about her." glaring at her

" She's a formula 1 driver and owns a business that's not even that good and she's a bitch." I clench my jaw "I'm gonna tell you something Coco you messing with the wrong people." Luca said "Ikenna tell me something she has that I don't?" Coco says "Everything. She's real and not fake like you." looking at her "Everything you can't even explain she's not all that." Luca sucks inhales sharply 

"Okay Blaise is a not only a formula 1 drive she's a four time world champio-" she has the audacity to cut me off "I know so what?" rolling her eyes at me "I wasn't finished, when Blaise wins a race she splits it between two charities both children's hospitals  she chooses  four students and pays their debts after they finish university every year. 

She donates money to the McGrath foundation for breast cancer helps out the communities when she can." I started "Why are you telling me this?" Coco scoffs "Because I'm telling you a slither of what she does. Not only is Blaise is humble, kind and has a heart of gold she's everything that your not you wouldn't even come close to her so realistically your not all that so take a look at yourself before you even try to bring someone like Blaise down." I finished ranting 

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