Raunchy Races

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Last night was the pinnacle of fucking boring it was like watching the paint dry but then again there was some kisses between Deji and Indiyah. Changing into one of my favourite bikini's I own spraying myself with Ikenna's cologne so they can remember I'm off limits majority of the boys are keeping their distance all but one. 

Billy the fucking kid if he doesn't stop I'll be the one to execute him because he's on thin ice with me it's only been one day and I'm fucking over it but I continue to remind myself that one less day means one day closer to be back with Ikenna. 

 Walking into the kitchen I see Deji and Sam as well as billy but he's on the bean bags, feeling his eyes on me I give him my famous glare that I use making him flinch. "He's asking to get kicked in the balls." Sam mutters out "Amen to that my friends." before I begin to make myself a chocolate milk 

"How are you feeling today." Deji asked I give him the did you seriously ask me that question "Dead I feel lost without my other half." they both give me a sad smile "I need a nap." I said "You just woke up." Sam gives me a look of disbelief "I know but maybe if I sleep more the day will go quicker." I said 

"No you will stay awake otherwise I'll chuck you in the pool." Ekin said coming out of no where "What the fuck!" I jump at the sound of her voice "I wanted to go for a swim anyway." finishing my milk washing it out before taking off my mic before hopping in the water "They should really get heating in these pools." I mutter out floating on my back 

"Hey babes." Indiyah and Gemma say sit at the edge of the water "Hi." smiling at them "Why are you in the pool this early?" Indiyah asked "Long story short I wanted to go for a nap but Ekin threatened to chuck me in the pool." giving them a smile  making them laugh "So Indiyah how are you and Deji?" giving her a wink "I'm actually really happy. We just have a lot in common." making me smile 

"Hey Blaise I got gossip." Deji comes over to us sitting down next to Indiyah  "What's up?" I ask "Billy was talking about Ikenna  saying how he's not all that and saying he's just a waste of your time and how he could make you happier also how he could satisfy your needs." our jaw drops "What the actual fuck." Gemma said 

"Billy has hit officially  dumb cunt territory. He's reminds me of an Eshay fucking annoying and an inconvenience to society." I said even some of the producers let out a laugh  

"Fuck off we've got a banana boat 2.0" I said "Banana boat?" Deji asked "Charlie." Indiyah explains "You know you and Sam are great gossip buddies." I said he nods his head "How are you going to confront him?" Gemma asked "Confront who?" Paige asked "Fucking banana boat 2.0" I said "Billy." Deji said "What happened?" she asked 

Deji began to explain the whole situation "No way!" she gasps we all nod our heads "How are you going to do it?" She turns to me "I'll let him come to me then insult him to hell in back." giving them a smirk "I need to be close by so I can hear what your saying." Deji said making us laugh 

"Islanders, this afternoon the villa will  take on Casa Amor in raunchy race. The two villas will race against each other to complete the challanges the fastest wins a point. The villa that receives the most points will win a party tonight #headtohead #looselipsing." Indiyah reads out  while the others cheer I groan making them laugh 


I'm too tired for this to even be awake if Blaise was here we'd be having a nap right now god I miss her I know when she gets back I'll cry. We're awaiting a text for the game "All islanders get into different sex positions of the opposite sex." Luca reads out I grab summer who's the closer I pick her up before putting her down.

Blaise grabs Sam doing missionary  since he was the closest 

I get a text "Casa Amor was the fastest." making me groan out "The shortest boy in the villa kiss the tallest girl for twenty seconds." Dami reads out thankfully it's not me.

"Luca's the shortest boy for fuck sake." Gemma said  Blaise grabs her hand mouthing it'll be okay "The villa was the fastest." Danica said groaning out

"The boy with the most tattoos must suck the toes of the girl he fancies the most." Jacques read out we watch Luca suck Mollies  toe before he cringes 

Jack races over to Blaise before sucking her toe making her cringe. "That's fucking chat." She said "For fuck sake that's Luca again." Gemma said  Gemma receives the text "the main villa was the fastest." making them groan 

"Kiss the islander who has an ex in the villa." Josh reads out before kissing Gemma making Blaise whistle "That's Jacques." Paige says 

I watch Jacques kiss Mollie "Blaise hasn't had any involvement yet and that makes me happy." smiling at Dami "Casa was fastest." Summer reads out "The islander with a birthday in December must snog the islander the fancy the most." Mollie reads out 

They watch Indiyah and Deji snog Blaise lets out a wolf-whistle making the others laugh. "That was hot." Blaise said making them laugh again "Any boy born in may must snog the girl they fancy the most." Billy drops his phone kissing Tasha which Blaise is happy for her but hates him

"Casa Amor was fastest."  Andrew reads out  making us groan "The boy whose name comes first in alphabetically order must kiss snog every girl. "That's you Andrew." Luca says "The girl with the most piercings must kiss the boy underwater you dance the most." Chyan reads out "FUCK that's Blaise."  I said 

Blaise quickly grabs Sam jumping in kissing him just a peck before getting out of the pool. "That was like kissing your brother." Blaise shakes her head 

"Casa Amor was the fastest." Jacques reads out. We lost but Blaise only had to do one with kissing which made me happy "How many piercings does Blaise have?" Luca asked "She has her tongue, her ears, belly button and her nose. So four."  He looks at me "What's the tongue piercing like when you kiss?" Dami asked 

"It was weird at first but it feels nice against my own and my skin as well." shrugging my shoulders. After getting dressed my mind went straight back to Blaise I wonder what she's doing right now letting out a sigh as I sit next to Luca at the fire pit "I miss Blaise." "I miss Gemma." We say at the same time 

"I found out some interesting information from Summer actually." Jacques said sitting next to us "What?" Luca and I ask "The only reason she wanted to crack on with you was because Andrew asked her too." making our jaw drops "I'm done with him our friendship is done." Luca looks at me with wide eyes 

"Andrew can fuck off how dare he try  to try and mess with me. I'm done with him it's best for us to keep our distance and when Blaise finds out she's going to loose it." Shaking my head 

"Andrew has shown his true colours. It's disgusting to even do that to Ikenna." Luca shakes his head at Andrews attempt to fuck up Ikenna's relationship

AN: Blaise is fired up already from Andrew and now Billy is adding the fuel to the fire those who fuck with her will get burned. Ikenna has officially ended his friendship with Andrew he's burnt his bridges do you think Andrew will apologise or no. 

The next love island book will be out soon but here's the catch it's an Australian love island book. Remember to vote, comment and share with your friends maybe drop a follow 😉

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