Charlie and Ekin vs Jay

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Waking up in bed I genuinely don't remember being here "Hi sleepy." Ikenna says kissing me "How did I get here last I remember was being on your lap." rubbing my eyes "I carried you to bed and then I fell asleep." smiling at me "Hey Dami have you seen my white shoes." We hear Davide say

"He's asleep." Jay says making us both laugh and making us sit up looking at Dami "How long did we sleep for?" I ask "For a while it's dark outside." Davide says "Blaise come get ready." Antigoni says I nod my head kissing Ikenna before getting out of bed 

"Have a nice sleep?" she asks "Yes I didn't realise I fell asleep outside until Ikenna told me." shaking her head at me as we head into the dressing room all the girls are getting ready "Hi sleeping beauty," Ekin says I stick my finger up at her getting laughs from everyone 

"You sleep so much." Tasha says "I know if sleeping was a sport I'd win without a doubt." shrugging my shoulders as we're getting ready a phone pings  "Who's phone ping." I ask putting on my jeans 

"It's mine." Ekin says as she reads the message "Girls it's time to get glam as tonight you will be welcoming a new boy into the villa.#cocktailswithcharlie #hotproperty." Ekin finishes making the girls scream I wince at how loud they are next thing you know Luca and Jacques come to the door seeing what's happening 

"There's no way in hell am I getting my head turned maybe Tash and Ekin who's a hundred per cent is. I found my man so they guys can fuck off." smiling 

"When Luca told us there was a new boy named Charlie coming in I knew Blaise wouldn't be impressed even Luca told me her face had an annoyed look on it," Ikenna said 

All the girls are dressed in beautiful tight dresses while I'm in something comfortable because those dresses don't look easy to wear or sit in. We all make our way downstairs to greet him and I can immediately tell I won't like this guy, there's something off with him.

Grabbing my drink making sure I'm standing the furthest away from him "So who's together." he asks "Ikenna and I were closed off." I said getting out of the way "So no getting to know anyone?" "Nope don't wanna but there are some single girls here," I tell him he nods his head I can tell Charlie doesn't like it.

"I don't wanna be rude but I feel so uncomfortable around Charlie for some reason don't know why but I do." shrugging my shoulders 


The boys and I are on the terrace watching the girls come downstairs "Blaise did not get the memo." Jay says seeing her bright red jumper making us laugh I notice Blaise is standing furthest away from Charlie. She looks up and we lock eyes mouthing 'Get me out of here.' giving her a sympathetic smile 

"Ikenna Blaise looks so uncomfortable man." Dami says "Because she is." rubbing my face 'Red flag' I nod my head at her "What'd she say?" Jacques asked "She said red flag so something is setting her off." I sit back down on the seats "Really?" Andrew says "I know her better than anyone else." scratching my chin

"I wonder what it is?" Luca says "I'll ask her when we get down there." I told them  "I hate this." "Same here." the boys say once we go downstairs I rush towards Blaise. "Thank god." she says as I bring her into a heated kiss in front of the new boy marking my territory  "Hey man I'm Ikenna." introducing myself to him not wanting to be rude. 

"Charlie." he says "What was setting you off?" I whisper "I can't put my finger on it but he wasn't happy when I told him we were closed off." she whispers we all begin to walk towards the fire pit to get to know him holding Blaise close so he knows that she's mine even if the kiss wasn't enough 

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