"Leave my sissy alone" the 5 year old yelled running to the older woman placing soft punches on her legs and waist. Candace let go of her hair with one hand and slapped the child in her face making her fall down the stairs.

"Ahhhhhh" Amariana screamed seeing her sister flying down the flight of 6 stairs.

"Let me go" Amariana screamed tugging on the older woman's arms. She brought her arm down and bit her hand digging her teeth in the woman's skin. Candace winced and threw her head down and looked at her hand seeing it was flowing out fresh blood. Candace looked at Amariaan slowly with her brow raised.

"You bitch" she yelled storming to the girl as she crawled backwards. She grabbed the child by her hair making her stand to her feet. She slammed her against the wall knocking a picture down. The child hissed in pain. Candace began to choke her pushing her head into the walll so hard that you heard small cracks coming from it.

"I-c-can't brea-" Amariana shrugged out. Candace threw her to the ground and kicked her in her ribs.

"Ahhhhh" she yelped in pain. She began to cough continuously trying to catch her faded breath. She crawled to the steps but didn't get any further. Candace kicked her in her back causing the girl to lose balance in her arms and to fall.

"CANDACE MOORE OPEN UP" banging appeared on the back door Candace looked up towards the door and let go of the child.

"Fuck" she stormed off to the back room. Amariana took the strength to get up. She stood up shakily as her weak body was heaving her down. She grabbed the rale on the stairs and slid down against the wall taking her steps down the stairs with her other hand on her rib.

"B-blue" she called out her sister looked up with blood shot tears and a red mark on her face. She grabbed her hand and they made it to the back door opened the blinds. But a click went off. They turned around and there stood Candace with a gun.

"Get away from the door" she demanded Amariana stood infront of blue and slowly moved them both to the side. "Now who head should I blow off first my daughters" she pointed the gun at the 14 year old. She closed her eyes wincing at the sigh of the gun being some don her face.  "Or the sister" she moved the gun to blue face.

"Or both" she stood back and put her finger on the trigger. And just when it was all about to go dark for both girls .

"GET ON THE GROUND" the front door busted open. And a shot went off.

"Ahhhhh" the child screamed. She opens her eyes and saw the same woman who helped her to her parents on the ground. Detective Reese.  "Oh my god" the child cried covering her sisters face. She heard the back door Handle being fiddled with she quickly turns around and unlocked it before she felt a tug on her hair. Candace grabbed her and took her upstairs.

She went into the room where she had the girls and opened the window.
"Go" she told the child pointing the gun to her head forming her to go. Amariana just cried but did as told she stepped out the window. And waited for Candace to so. Candace grabbed a rope form the side of the cliff on the house and tied it around Amariaan.

"Im gonna lower you down and I want you to go to the car got it?" Amariana just cried. "I said got it?" She yelled. The girl nodded and Candace tightly tied the rope on the younger girl's waist causing her to hiss due to the pressure on her ribs.

"Start to climb off the ruff" Candace told her. She did as told and slowly put her legs over hanging them down she slowly slid her hands down and Candace was lowering her with the other end of the rope.

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