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Alright, no more five-year-old Adriana... we are in her prime age where she is a badass.

And here, we get her where she is at what I consider her first stage of prime superstar rich self-prime! And I chose to have her age at this time, sixteen.

Back then, in the 1950s, mid- 1950s I should say, I feel once you were sixteen, you were not considered a little girl anymore, but a woman.

And please, please don't take my words and think it as, "Oh, she thinks at sixteen she is just able to go get married, go have fun, have sex, date older men, an older man approaching her, no, no, no"

... this book is made up, and not real.

It is made up.

It is not real.

Trust me when I say this I am not writing it in that way nor letting Adriana grow to be that person, at all.

She was raised better than that, she was raised by a Black woman from the mid-40s and now entering her mid-50s as well.

Trust and believe that.

Anyway... let's get to it.

"Are you going to go to the dance Adriana?"

"Jeanette I told you a million times, I am not going to be the only one going to a dance by myself without a date, are you crazy?"

"We can go as a group! Is it not bad to go with a group of young girls such as ourselves?" Nicole said to her, scribbling in her notebook.

"No, I am not going to go! And that is the end of it!" I said fixing my hair in my mirror as I closed it. "I rather just go see a movie or have a girl's night at my house like we planned in the beginning?"

Jeanette and Nicole became silent before speaking up again cause they had known for too long that Adriana hated when people talked with their eyes instead of their mouths.

"I got asked out by James Alexander the third yesterday at Tennis practice!"

"Nicole... are you serious?"

"Yes... and Jeanette got asked out by Hunter Marks three weeks ago too!"

"I was about to tell her that!" Jeanette said hitting her on the shoulder.

"So all my good close friends are now going to a dance that I didn't want to go to... now are going all for a boy!"

"Hey, Hunter like me, and James like Nicole!" Jeanette said trying to be reasonable.

"Key word, 'Like', not love!"

"Oh gosh, just cause your parents aren't together you don't need to rain on our parade either!" Nicole spat out before she covered her mouth feeling guilty at the words that came out of her mouth.

Adriana looked at her sideways before she gathered up her books and her bag, and headed towards the door.

"Adriana... I am sorry, I didn't mean to say that!" Nicole said as Jeanette shook her head at her, as she stopped Adriana by the door.

Adriana Williams Holden: The Diary of my lifeWhere stories live. Discover now