Ch. 11

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It has been two months since I heard from Ricky.

It was now... November, and everyone wanted a piece of Ricky Nelson.

His album was playing every time we would transition to go to other classes, during the break, or even at lunchtime.

I was sick and tired of his music being played at the school as if he were some trophy man.

But again... he told me he was going to become something... and now he is.

"I love Ricky Nelson! He is the perfect man to marry!"

"I can't believe he goes to our school!"

"I hear he is dating someone at the school!"

"What girl would he date here at Hollywood High School!"

I heard a group of girls talking in the girls' bathroom. I fix my hair and grab my books as I head out of the bathroom. I walked toward my locker, putting the books in my locker, as someone tapped my shoulder.

I turned to see it was Jeanette as I smiled at her. "Hey?"

"Hi!" She said with a smile as she leaned on the locker next to mine. "So... how has your and Ricky relationship been going?"

"Shhh!" I said, keeping her voice down before looking around and making sure nobody heard her. "I don't know... we haven't talked since our first date two months ago!"

"Two months ago!" Jeanette said with a shocked face and reaction. "That's crazy! He hasn't called either?"

"No... and... I simply don't care either! I... I still feel guilty about the whole Paul thing, along with just focusing on schoolwork!" I said to her just as another one of Ricky's songs played on the speaker of the school.

"Ugh!" I said, annoyed as Jeanette and I headed to our next class. Jeanette put her hand on my shoulder as we walked to class. "Hey!" We both turned, and it was Nicole catching up to us as we headed up the stairs.

"Do you guys sign up for the November Fest Festival?" Nicole asked us as we nodded.

"I did... I want to do the face painting for the children with Jillian!" Jeanette said.

"I signed up too, I just don't know what I am going to do?" I said as we walked into our Science class. "I somewhat wanted to get out and just go see my grandparents early that week!"

"Oh, Adriana!" Nicole said, taking off her sweater and rolling her eyes. "Not this again!" Nicole said, shaking her head. "Why are you going to go see your grandparents early? Have fun!"

I was about to Jeanette spoke up for me. "Shut up Nicole! This isn't up to you, it's up to Adriana and if she doesn't want to go, she doesn't have to! Why are you so freaking obsessed with trying to get Adriana to do what you want her to do!"

"I am not!"

"You are!"

"Am not!"

"You are!"

"Stop!" I said to both of them as I pushed them both in their seats away from each other. Our teacher walked in, passing out worksheets for us, and I could tell the tension between them was hot and I could feel it, even without looking at them either.

As our teacher was writing down science notes on the chalkboard, I felt a small paper hit behind my back, as I turned I saw it was one of the girls from early in the bathroom. I pick it up fast, before facing forward at my teacher as he continues to talk. Once he continued writing on the board, I unwrapped the paper and it read.

Adriana Williams Holden: The Diary of my lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें