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Mrs. Ricky Adriana Holden Nelson.

'Mrs. Adriana Holden Nelson'.

Oh, that sounds so much better.

I love that very much.

'Mrs. Adriana Holden Nelson'.

Or should it be just simple 'Mrs. Holden Nelson?'

I can't stop thinking about it.

"Adriana?" My father called out to me as I closed my diary quickly putting it under the couch cushion before grabbing the newspaper from off the coffee table in the living.


"Hey, I am going to be going to London in a few weeks to go visit Ms. Hepburn. Do you want to go with me to see her?"

"Daddy! Oh gosh! I would love to!" I said jumping up, rushing into his arms, and hugging him. "In a couple of weeks?"

"Mhmm! She wants me to visit her for her new film War and Peace!"

"Oh, I would love to! But... I will have to miss school! It's already the beginning of the school year!"

"You don't want to go?"

"Oh, I do! But... I don't want to miss school!"

"My, My, My," My father said rubbing my shoulders as he rubbed my chin. "I see you are very passionate about school... and you don't want to miss a thing! I see you don't want to miss a thing!"

"I don't... plus... Ballet too!" I lie through my teeth not looking at him, as I rub my hands together. "I will have to miss it! I will have to miss Ms. Hupburn! You and the boys go on ahead without me!"

"Oh... she going to miss you... but I will tell her why! She will completely understand!" My father said kissing my head before sitting down on the couch as he read the newspaper. I sat down on the couch, next to him, before he spoke up again.

"I don't want to ask. But I am! How did last night go with Ricky Nelson?"

"Do you want the good part or the bad part?"

"All the part... and if it includes the birds and the bees... I am calling your mother right now!"

"No... No birds and Bees!" I laugh as I turn my body toward him, and he puts the newspaper down, giving me his full attention. I haven't had my dad's attention like this since I was a little girl... when he would drop whatever he was doing, to listen to me talk about my day, what I did at school, what story I read, even when I came back from ballet to show him my new moves.

"We went to that expensive restaurant in Beverly Hills, and it was just Ricky and I... and one waiter and the cooks who cooked our meal!"

"Mhmm. What did you talk about?"

"Typical things?"

"What is 'typical things' Adriana?"

"Just about school, music. what he likes, what I like, dislike, his disklike, his family, and... that he goes to the same high school as I do?"

"He goes to Hollywood High School!"

"Yes!" I said with glee and a big smile on my face. "I didn't know he did... but... he does! I didn't know... but... he told me when you and mom came freshman year for orientation day, he said 'we' were somewhat the most famous couple to have their daughter go to school there, along with him watching me walk in front of you two in slow motions like he knew I was the one!"

"Mhmm.. so he did huh?"

"Yes... He said he was, 'a ugly duckling' freshman year...and now that he blossoms and turns into this amazingly handsome man... I think... I think I am fall"-

Adriana Williams Holden: The Diary of my lifeWhere stories live. Discover now