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My father was signing autographs left and right, as I went on the merry-go-round over and over again. When the ride finally stopped, I was dizzy and hungry but also felt sick to my stomach after eating all that candy.

"Come on Adriana, Sasha waiting for us!" My father waved me over, as he finished one last autograph before I slowly walked down and held my hands out for him to pick me up.

"Sweetheart, Daddy not going to pick you up right now, I will hold your hand, let go!" He said grabbing my hand, pulling fast past the crowd of people, and extras before finally, we stopped at a nice black Cadillac.

"Nice rims Johnny!"

"Nothing much just had to show you old country rich folks what I can do and show you this Hollywood stuff can come down here too!"

"Is it a rent?"

"Yes!" Johnny said shaking his head, before Sasha came out of her trailer looking amazing. She had on white dress pants, a nice yellow shirt, and some yellow heels. Her hair was slick back in a ponytail, she had it covered with a yellow veil and had on black sunglasses.

I looked her over and quite possibly she was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen out of all the magazines I have read and seen the models in, she was the best one I have ever seen. 

"Hello, hello!"

"Hi!" I said with a bright smile as I looked at her in a daze.

"Hello love!" My father said kissing her cheek before she looked down at me with a smile.

"Dinner is on me tonight my Dear Adriana! Come, tell me a little about yourself!" She said taking my hand, as we entered the car hand in hand. Johnny, Amie who I have finally found out that they were Sasha E. Williams manger and vocal coach, but all in all, her two first closest friends in Hollywood since day one.

She wasn't like any other celebrities I met. I have met a few, I shared a Coca-Cola with Clark Gable on my third birthday got my first pony from Joan Crawford, got to dance on the toes of Ginger Rogers, and was told that I am quite a beauty from Gerta Garbo herself!

But she was different.

She had money.

But it never changed her at all.

Even with success.

She was better and didn't flaunt it.

"So, you are in the first grade, I heard from your father you like to sing and write?"

"Yes... I do!"

"He also tells me that you enjoy reading, coloring, all that fun stuff!"

"Yes... I do, I love reading, and I also love reading female writers as well! And male writers too, but, something about a woman writing is amazing!"

"Oh really?" Sasha said laying back as she looked at my father, hitting him in his shoulder with glee. "I love that so much! I feel the same way! about everything in Hollywood!"

"Now, now, darling she doesn't want to hear all that right now, she is young, she is not at the smart age yet!" William said shaking his head, as Sasha hit him in his stomach.

"Don't you dare say such a thing!" Sasha said looking at my dad as if he grew two heads. "Things like that, what your father just said, is exactly what I mean when I say 'Everything in Hollywood', the sexism and male gaze isn't just right in the head sometimes!"

I didn't understand much at the moment, but that was one moment that made me fall head over heels in love with her!

We made it to the restaurant Sasha held my hand as we walked into the fancy restaurant. The waiter led us to our table, and we all sat down. I sat in the middle as my father sat on the left and Sasha sat on my right. Johnny and Amie sat across from us before Sasha handed me the menu with a smile before she spoke up.

Adriana Williams Holden: The Diary of my lifeWhere stories live. Discover now