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"Does anyone want to tell me a little about Marie Antoinette? I know some of you already read a few chapters in the past two weeks. I want to hear your opinions on her?" Mrs. Owns asked the class as some of her students put their heads down, some looked away, and only a few raised their hands. Mrs. Owns looked at the class before she landed her eyes on Adriana who was daydreaming in her class.

"Miss Williams Holden?"

Adriana shook her head before looking at Mrs. Owns.

"Can you tell me, a little bit how you feel about Marie Antoinette?" Mrs. Owns said coming from around her desk, leaning on her desk, waiting for a answer.

"I... I find her story to be victory, but also sad!" I said clearly my throat as all eyes went on me.

"Mhmm? please tell us more?"

"Well! Uh," I said clearly my throat again, before speaking up. "She got into Versailles at a young age, uh, 14 I remember! She also... married at 14 as well, I also found out... she gave birth in public as well.. with her first to Louis XVI!"

"Oh my gosh!" One of her classmates gasped out as Mrs. Owns raised a brow at her and gave her a small smirk.

"I see... that part is... the victory or the sad part?" Mrs. Owns asked before Adriana looked down at her pencil before looking back up at her. "Come to think of it... it's really sad, I mean... back in those days... a parent, or shall I say 'parents' should have never let their 14 just up and leave to go marry a stranger!"

"Parents do that nowadays?" another classmate said as the class agreed with him, but Adriana shook her head. "Well, we are about to head into the sixties, which seems like it is not long, but... it is right around the corner?"

"Why are you changing the subject?" Cassie said as she looked at me dumbly before the class giggled. "You off topic as usual... how do we go from talking about a legend to going into the sixties! Is your brain frozen or foggy since you don't have a date for tomorrow's dance?"

The whole class went quiet and all eyes went on me before the bell rang as everyone gathered their stuff, leaving the class. I gather my belongings before getting up, as Cassie brushes past me. "Don't be sad dear Adriana, you can wait for the next dance in a couple of months? Or next year!"

"I guess I have to, but you know what, at least I still have my blessed nose I was born with! And I don't have to wait a couple of months, or next year to make it a little bit smaller!" I said pushing her back and leaving the classroom. As I exited out of the classroom Nicole came out of nowhere grabbing my shoulder.


"Ugh, please!" I said pushing her off me, as I headed to my next class.

"Can we please talk, we haven't talked in almost a whole week, and now that the dance is"-

"Stop Nicole!" I shouted at her as she jumped back a bit. "I... I think it best we don't talk for a few days, I am still upset about what you did, along with dealing with the Nelsons and all, I... I don't want to regret anything by saying something mean... please just... let me have my space and when I am ready to talk, I will talk to you?"

Nicole nodded before I headed upstairs to my class just as I walked into the classroom I saw Jeanette and Hunter talking to each other, holding hands.

Jeanette let go of his hand, before sitting down at the desk, right next to me. "Hi?"

"Hey, I can change seats if you"-

"No! Hunter knows I will sit by you!"

"Yeah," I said playing with my fingers before Jeanette spoke again. "I have three dresses for... you know that big event tomorrow and... I was wondering... if I can come over and try them on?"

Adriana Williams Holden: The Diary of my lifeWhere stories live. Discover now