ch. 13

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November came and it was the week of the Fall Festival and I was all packed up to go to Connecticut to see my grandparents.

"You sure you don't want to go to the Festival honey?" My mother asked me as I brought down my luggage.

"Nope. I want to just go see Guy for this brunch then go to Connecticut!"

"Alright, my dear!" My mother said as she grabbed her purse, and put her heels on. "Do you want me to say hi to your friends?"

"Of course!" I said as the boys came running down the stairs. "You two have fun! Try Mrs. Jacobsons' pumpkin pie, buy some too!" I said to them as they nodded.

"Your sister won't be home this afternoon, she going to your grandparent's house! Hug her!"

Kj came giving me a side hug as I waited for Gomez to hug me, as he just said 'bye, see you soon!' and he left out of the house. My mother rolled her eyes, before she put her shades on, as she came up to me, giving me a tight hug, and kissing my forehead.

"You have your ticket?"


"You know which gate?"

"Yes... I got it, Mom. I promise!"

"Just making sure! I love you! I will see you when you come back from Thanksgiving break!"

"Have fun in San Fra!"

"I will!" She kissed me one last time before she left out the front door, and I watched her get in the car, and start up the car. "I love you so much. I want you to call me once you land, and when you make it to your grandparent's house as well, understood!"

"I will! Love you guys!"

"Love you!" My mother said blowing me a kiss as my brothers waved me off before they drove down the driveway and off to my school.

I took a deep sigh before finally closing the door behind me. I was alone.

Deena and Miranda went to spend Thanksgiving break with their family, so I was alone in the house by myself. I made sure to keep my luggage and everything closed by the door. As I headed towards the couch, reading the new vouge I heard the phone ring as I quickly grabbed it, answering it.


It's me!

Hi Guy! Are you coming to get me still?

Yes... I am leaving the house right now!

Okay, see you soon!

See you soon!

I hung up the phone, rubbing my shoulders before heading back to reading the magazine, I stopped as I thought about Ricky.

It had been four weeks since the last time we spoke and he was on my mind all the time. After our somewhat of a breakup, the whole school was expecting me to spill on how long we had been together along with if we were going to become the new 'it' couple of Hollywood High School! I was surely not wanted to deal with that nor did I want to be in that circle of spillover drama.

So I kept my mouth shut and did not say a word about Ricky and me at all.

And what made matters worse, the student government played Ricky's album all the time to try to make me spill the beans but never did. Even the teachers were trying to have me slip up by spilling the beans but never did.

Everyone was giving me the cold shoulder cause I didn't say anything about Ricky and me.

I didn't care.

Adriana Williams Holden: The Diary of my lifeWhere stories live. Discover now