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Sorry, I didn't post a new chapter last week. I had two important meetings last Thursday and the reminder I put on was ringing and going off, but... here you go.

A long chapter for you all.


"I still can't believe your mother convinced your father to let you go to Ricky's new album release party! I am so freaking excited! for you!" Jeanette said looking at herself in the mirror, putting on lipstick.

"You're going too! He invited you!"

"But this is so exciting for you! This is a New Year's Eve party! For one, second, he wants you by his side for this new album party and third... you are getting out of the house ever! This is so freaking exciting!"

"Jeanette, I think you need to stay away from those whiteout polish!" Nicole said lying on my floor, looking at a magazine.

"Shut up! And... I do!" Jeanette said turning to look at me as I looked at the three outfits I was going to wear. "Are you still stuck with what you're trying to wear?"

"Yes... I don't know if I should wear my pink sparkling dress, or my green dress, or... my silver dress!"

"Silver! Bring in the new year with a bang!" Nicole said turning the magazine page as I picked it up, holding the dress against me as I looked at myself in the mirror before turning to look at them as they nodded giving me a thumbs up.

"Silver dress it is!" I said with a smile as I put it on the bed, before heading to my drawer and grabbing my stocking and gloves, before there was a knock at the door. "Come in!"

Miranda came into my room holding a brand-new shoe box as she sat it down on my bed before looking at me with a small smile. I raised a brow at her before she shrugged her shoulders at me. "What is that?"

"A shoebox with a note attached, reading, 'RN!' you should open it!" Miranda said as she left my room as Jeanette, Nicole, and I rushed to the bed looking at the shoebox and then at each other.

"Open it, I am scared!"

"You heard Miranda, she said it from Ricky, that your boyfriend, not ours!" Nicole said as Jeanette shook her head up and down.

"She has a point!"

I unboxed it, before my eyes went big and wide, as I heard Jeanette and Nicole gasps with excitement. "Oh my gosh... that is the new DEE DEE Wakler heel from DDW heels company!" Nicole screamed out with glee.

"They don't come out until the new year, it said it in the new vogue!?!"

"No, no, no way!" I said shaking my head and taking out one heel as gently as possible.

"No, No," Jeanette said nodding. "Nicole right, it was in last month's issue!"

"Oh gosh... I... I couldn't wear these!" I said gently putting it back in the box before reading the note. "To my babydoll! My number one! Always and forever!"


"AWWWWWWW!" Jeanette and Nicole said in sync as I held my chest feeling butterflies in my stomach. I am going to wear these heels tonight?"

"Yes! They will go well with your dress!" Nicole said with a smile as Jeanette nodded agreeing.

"Alright, let me take a quick shower, then I will do my hair and makeup! What time did Hunter say he will pick us all up again?" I said heading into the bathroom.

Adriana Williams Holden: The Diary of my lifeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz