ch. 12

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Dinner at my mother's house when either me or my brothers would fight, she would make us sit in the dining room just the three of us until one of us spilled and said sorry to one another. Then apologize and help clean up not only our dinner but washing our dishes as well.

At our father's house.

No complete opposite.

So here we were.

At the dining table.

Not being able to eat dinner...until one of us cracks.

Along with, I, being the oldest and somewhat feeling like I should be the bigger person, I sat there... not saying a got damn word.

Kj shook his head as he played with his fork.

My father was reading this morning's newspaper, which he always reads in the morning, but he was doing the word search section of the newspaper.

Gomez was playing with his napkin not making eye contact with any of us. "The longer you take... the more the food gets cold, and we can all go to bed hungry!" My father said looking up from the newspaper, then going back to finishing it.

"I'm sorry Gomez I snap at you!" I softly said out.

"Can you speak a little louder to the class Ms. Williams Holden!" Kj said annoyed before my father snapped his finger, shutting him up, he carefully folded the newspaper and put it down beside him, and he coughed a little bit.

"Say it again please Adriana?"

"I'm sorry Gomez I snap at you! I didn't mean to! I have been stressing about all these upcoming tests along with this stupid Festival for school!"

Gomez didn't talk at first, he just played with his napkin before looking at my father who waiting for a response. "Gomez?"

"I accept your apology... but I am not going to talk to you for a while! Nor play or ask for your help either! I know deep down... that will hurt you more than what you did to me early today!" Gomez said as he dug into the tomato soup.

I was shocked by his response and deeply hurt that he would say such a thing. That truly felt like he meant it, and I felt that deeply in my heart.

"You don't mean it?"

"I do!" Gomez said eating his soup, I looked at Kj and his face couldn't even believe he said that either. I looked at my dad and he had a stone face not saying anything as I chuckled not believing what was happening right now.

"Nothing. Nothing at all?"

"What do you want me to say, Adriana?"

"Something!" I said slamming my hands on the table as my father put down the fork, taking a deep breath before speaking.

"Adriana... I don't know what has gotten into you these past few months... but I am not going to argue with you, nor am I going to have a yelling match with you! If that is what you want... yell by yourself! But you deserve the coldness from your brother, one of your brothers who isn't cold to you! The only brother who isn't cold to you is now cold to you... not for long!" He said taking a piece of bread, biting into it. "Just for a little bit!"

"That can take forever!"

"Adriana" My father sighs rubbing his forehead as he looks down and then back up at me. "Your brother is seven, would you want this from Kj... who is nine!"

"Yes... I would! I would rather have Kj not speak to me, instead of my baby brother Gomez!" I said teary up as I stood up from the chair and I looked at Gomez who wasn't looking at me, but ate his food as if I wasn't here.

Adriana Williams Holden: The Diary of my lifeWhere stories live. Discover now