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"Yes, in here thought, I want the plate and cups to be placed in her, move the dining room table out into the sunroom, and open up this space for the upcoming meeting with Mrs. Wayne and I club!"

"Do you think there will be enough space to throw this big ladies' event for this upcoming week?" Jane said stopping writing down in her book.

"It has too. I honestly can't take another hiccup at this time!"

"Oh, the whole William and Adrianna problem! and him dating that... color woman.. she so young!"

"Don't remind me... I think he is crazy and he going to ruin his career by going out with her, I think it insane and career-wrecking for him to do this!"

"It's his life, not yours, remember that Nancy!"

"He's my friend... I have a right to say something!"

"You don't!"

"I do"


"Jane!" Nancy said her name rudely before she heard the garage door open and close as she heard her husband, Adriana and her dogs come in.

"Boy, or boy! That was fun!" Regan said taking the leases off the dogs.

"It sure was... I had a fun time today Mr. Regan!"

"I know you did. I am happy you did!" Regan said with a smile as they both walked into the living room with big smiles on their faces.

"Well, home at last!" Nancy said as Regan walked over to her, kissing her cheek, before saying hello to Jane. "Jane, how are you?"

"Good... just going over a few more last touches for your wife and Mrs. Wayne's event!"

"Oh god, don't remind me! I make sure I am working and not at home for that!"

"You won't be here for the event?"

"No, I will not be here for that, I am not going to be in a room full of women talking about politics, also, I am not too fond of Mrs. Wayne!"

"Oh, Ronald!" Nancy said pushing his side, as Nancy looked at me with a smile as she waved me over.

"Jane... I want you to meet Adriana Holden!"

"Oh, Hello Miss Adriana Holden! Don't you look like a superstar like your father!"

"Nice to meet you. Thank you, do you mean my mother as well!"

"Uh, of course!" Jane said gathering her belongings before Regan walked her out of the house. "Who is that?" I ask Nancy as she cleans up the teacups before looking at me.

"Jane is an event organizer. She organized events for all of us Hollywood stars!"


"Mhmm!" Nancy said headed into the kitchen as I followed her. "Will I be going home today?"

Nancy put the teacups in the sink, before turning around and looking at me. "Uh, I believe your father wants you to stay until Monday! We will drop you off at school, then take you home afterward!"

"I want to see my mom!" I said to her before she went silent as Regan came into the kitchen and headed to the fridge before looking at us. "What's wrong?"

"Adriana wants to go home!"

"Your dad wants you to stay here! With us until Monday!" Regan said closing the fridge door as Nancy walked over to him, whispering in his ear, "She wants to see her mom!"

They looked at each other, talking with their eyes and I couldn't handle it anymore, I hated when people talked with their eyes. "I know my mother isn't at home anymore, she is sick and she went somewhere, I don't know god where, but let me just tell you both, I want to just see her, or talk to my dad!"

Adriana Williams Holden: The Diary of my lifeWhere stories live. Discover now