Poppy playtime oc!

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Name - Sweet dreams

Nicknames - Sweetie, Dreamy, Sweets, Dream catcher, Sweetie pie, Sweet pea , Princess

Gender - Female

Personality - Sweet Dreams, formerly known as Liliana, possesses a complex and intriguing personality shaped by her extraordinary journey. Despite her enigmatic appearance, she harbors a mix of traits.

1. **Curiosity:** A lingering sense of the curious girl she once was, Sweet Dreams retains an inquisitive nature, exploring the world with feline fascination.

2. **Playfulness:** Infused with a playful spirit, she engages with her surroundings in a manner reminiscent of her playful days in the foam pit, finding joy in simple pleasures.

3. **Protectiveness:** Having faced the challenges of her transformation, Sweet Dreams exhibits a protective nature, especially towards those who accept her unique form, forming strong bonds with trusted companions.

4. **Restlessness:** The abrupt halt to her surgeries left an indelible mark, contributing to occasional bouts of restlessness as she grapples with the dual aspects of her existence.

5. **Mystery:** A touch of mystery surrounds Sweet Dreams, as her cat-like instincts and occasional flashes of aggression hint at depths yet to be fully understood.

6. **Yearning for Normalcy:** Beneath the layers of her extraordinary features lies a subtle yearning for the ordinary life she once knew, creating a poignant dimension to her character.

Hair/fur color - White

Eye color- Yellow

Necklace - A puffy cloud with a pink outline

Strengths - Climbing, lifting, Areas that challenge gravity, Rocks or rubble.

Weakness - Fire, large pits of water, chains.

Likes - Candy, Ribs, Cuddles, Dogday, Miss Bluejay, Soft beds.

Dislikes - The prototype, Fire, Starvation, Needles or injections.

Friends - Dogday, (The smiling critters crew Forgot some of their names) , Huggy, Catnap

Enemies - The prototype, The player (possible if it's your oc or not) Kissy, Miss delight

Crush - Dogday or Catnap


In the mysterious chronicle of Liliana, her once ordinary world spiraled into the extraordinary when she vanished into the clutches of Play Co. From a curious girl in a foam pit, she was handpicked as the subject for a groundbreaking experimental procedure to evolve into the next extraordinary toy. The alterations to her physique were nothing short of surgical marvels.

Under the skilled hands of Play Co's surgeons, Liliana's right arm underwent a tragic transformation, replaced by a sleek, white prosthetic adorned with a massive paw and formidable silver claws, symbolizing her newfound feline essence. Delicately sewn into her head were white ears with a subtle pink dusting, rendering her an otherworldly and mesmerizing figure. A surgically placed tail and a repositioning of her legs transformed her into a creature navigating the world on all fours, mirroring the elegance and poise of a cat.

Yet, the surgical odyssey was abruptly halted as Liliana's aggression intensified beyond control. Her journey into becoming Sweet Dreams took an unforeseen turn, leaving her on the threshold of transformation, a creature suspended between the realm of experiments and the untamed spirit within.

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