Reaction: Latrice vs Redlic (Worst Dancer)

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Azure stood with her girls as Sub-leader Latrice was against Redlic, who she named worst dancer. Azure already battled Redlic knew she wasn't going to do good. Last time she did the same moves all that time. Azure stood next to Kirsten as she listened to the song about to come on. Azure smiled once she heard the familiar sounds of 'Lose Control by Missy Elliot. Now she was ready to see what Trice had planned for this song. Once Latrice started dancing, Azure cheered her on with a huge smile.

"Go Trice!! Get it!" Azure cheered.

When Latrice did the double take part to Redlic ,she laughed saying ooh as she continued watching. She hypes Latrice up until her part of over. Redlic was next. She didn't do nothing like her, Latrice followed her movement from their match. She counted every back bend move as she did. Tsubakill, who caught her movement, laughed.

"She's doing Azure's move." Momo told Yumeri laughing as they watched her count Redlic's moves. Redlic did her last bend untying Latrice's laces. Azure was pissed as Kirsten held her wrist, shaking her head no. Redlic got back up as her part was over. Everyone talked about how she untied Latrice's shoelaces.

"That's very loser. She's lucky if I don't demolish her ass. She really tried it." Azure says to Kirsten as Audrey retied Latrice's laces. 

"No, you know better than that. Just breathe." Kirsten whispers as they now waited to see who won.

Latrice was the winner and the girls hugged her, before walking back to their seats.

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