Azure's Vlog on Worldwide Vlog

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The camera showed a bed with a sleeping Azure inside. 

(Kirsten and everyone laughed as slept like she was dead to the world.)

Azure's timer went off as she woke up, getting out of bed in her shorts and t-shirt. She made up her bed before going over to the camera. 

"Good morning! Beautiful people! It's Azure here." Azure's New Orleans accent showing.

(They awed at her accent.)

('Azure has an accent!! she sounds so cute.' Yoonji said.)

('She's adorable.' Funky Y says.)

('She's from New Orleans. It's an wonderful place. A lot of culture and history there.' Kirsten explained.)

" I'm going to go shower and do the essentials, so I'll see you when I get out." Azure tells the camera before the camera showed 45 minutes later. 

She was now out in with her braids in a ponytail, in a two-piece outfit. She wore a tube top and a long maxi skirt.

('She has amazing abs.' Aki shouts as everyone agreed.)

"So, I look refreshed right. I'm bare faced right now." Azure says as she holds the camera walking down the steps.

"Usually I'll do some yoga, but I'm on idle time today. I have my final meeting today and spend time with my friends and family before I leave for South Korea." Azure says going into her office. 

(They ooh and ahh at her office.)

('She is taking us with her to work.' Aki joked making everyone laughed.)

('She's an owner of Blue's agency' Latrice said.)

('What!' Funky Y yelled.)

(' That agency very popular in the states.' Audrey says.)

('She spent years getting the experience and now she teaches children.' Kirsten said proud of her friend.)

The camera showed her in her meeting as she spoke to her band of investors and giving more ideas. Many of her investors was people, you couldn't imagine. Her billionaire friend and many actors and actresses. They trusted her and liked that she was very hands on with her teachings. Her dance studios were the only thing that didn't come with investors, she also invested her own money into herself.

"So, I finished my meeting, it's 10: 45 right now, so I have to get my things and off to my family house." Azure said before getting her things.

"I already have my bags pack and it's already in the car. Let's go meet my family." Azure smiles before leaving her two-story house as they watched her drive while listening to (Earfquake by Tyler the creator).

" You make my Earfquake.." Azure sang as the camera recorded. 

'She can sing too.' Wacckxxxy says as they yelled at the screen.

When it got to the rap part, she rapped along with it. Before 7/11 by Beyonce started playing as she dances while she drove into her mom's house, her mom's townhouse sat near French Quarter. Which was already crowded.

(Everyone laughed as she dances, singing the song as she does.)

"So, we're here. Ready to meet the mother that birth me." Azure smiles before grabbing the phone and got out.  Her mother walked out with her cousins.

"Azuree!" They chimed as they hug her.

" Hi my babies!" Azure yelled kisses them on their cheeks.

(Kirsten smiled at Azure. As they awed at her cute moment.)

('Such nice kids.' Yoonji tells them as Azure picked up the smallest as they led her to her mom, who hug her.)

"Ma, say hello to the camera for my vlog." Azure says as she pointed the camera to her mom.

"Hello Azure's friends, ready to see the show." Her ma joked in an accent like her daughter but heavier.

('Her mom's so pretty.' Yoonji says.)

('So beautiful.' Funky Y agreed.)

(They anticipated what they would see as they walked in the house. They were throwing a good luck/farewell party for Azure.) 

"Hello everyone!" Azure shouted as everyone yelled back.

"So, guys this is my aunt Clarissa on the couch. My grandparents from both my dad and Ma's side are here. Most of my family is probably outside in the pool." Azure says as she pointed the camera to Her auntie and grandparents.

"Hello my baby." Her granny told her in creole.

"Hello granny." Azure kissed her cheeks as she spoke in creole too.

The moments showed her having a blast. As her and the family started having fun, the camera showing everything. 

('So cool!' Funky Y smiles.)

('She didn't invite me.' Kirsten joked.)

Azure now sat down eating, " So I have on my plate, red beans and rice, fried chicken and jambalaya, cornbread and I have beignets as I like to call them Mama's pillows."

She grabbed one showing them before eating it. 

"This is my last meal before leaving." Azure smiled before it did a time skip showing her in new clothes. She stood with her friend Jo Reyes and Harper.

"So here we go, about to leave. Jo, are you going to be rooting for us." Azure said.

"You know it!" Her and Jo hugged. Harper hugged her next before they watch her leave.

"Next time you see me. I'll be in South Korea. Street Woman Fighter 2, you ain't see nothing yet." Azure says with a smile before cutting off the camera.

(Everyone smiled.)

('Oh, wow Azure!!!' The guy next to Aki says.)

('She's so amazing.' Funky Y smiled.)

('That's our secret weapon.' Kirsten smiled)

Azure spread amazing vibes amongst the watchers as they got to see her day.

Secret Weapon|| SWF2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon