Main dancer challenge

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                                                                          (Outfit of the challenge)

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                                                                          (Outfit of the challenge)

They all watched the main dancer Rookie challenge start. Azure and the rest of the girls hype Emma up as she dances to the song. Monika needed a rematched to pick the winner. 

They choose different dancers that appealed to them. Azure felt sad that they didn't choose Emma, who danced her all. I mean the girl danced in crocs, the least you could do choose her. 

                                                     (Rena of Tsubakill vs Capri of LadyBounce)

The Judges chose Rena from Tsubakill  to be the main dancer of the Rookie class. Azure along with the girls clapped still showing their good sportsmanship. Soon they called the sub-leaders down, as Azure and Latrice walked on stage.

                                                                Flashback to sub-leader class

                                                                Flashback to sub-leader class

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Latrice and Azure watched each sub-leader. Azure saw some potential dances and some crazy looking dances. Redlic almost made her laughed, she didn't care what artist she work with her dance was weird. Latrice went up next, as Azure sat crossed legged with her arms hold her upper body up. Azure watched as Latrice danced with precise rhythm and flow. Her dance was the best out of all of them. It was the critics of her dance that pissed off Azure as she crossed her legs and straighten up. 

"She knew the lyrics; I help her better understand the song." Azure pointed out to the girls.

"Dancing is universal, any song can be dance to no matter the language. She did this dance as I did based on the beat. A quick 8 count isn't going to make each beat. You're going to miss the beat every time. " Azure added as the girls stared at them. 

They knew she was right. This girl who was undefeated in her battles as they thought over her dances. It most her freestyles fitted the song perfectly. Latrice felt happy that Azure was taking up for her.  It was an awkward silence as the girls contemplated what to say before Azure stood up to perform her dance.

Azure stood on the stage, waiting for the music to start. Her sharp moves and beat hitting made a very difficult dance that they knew they couldn't follow. In the different teams' rooms, they wow'd at her moves as she added her own flava adding style. She ended her dance as she motions a turning off the light motion. Azure flipped her braids that fell over her shoulder as she caught her breathe. 

The sub-leaders were quiet, they didn't want the girl to know that they liked the dance but could never add as much flava as she did. Azure wanted for the girls to say something. 

"I feel like there were some repetitive moves in the dance." Redlic said.

Azure almost smiled at the girl who looked like she was seething red.

"I kind of like it but it's too difficult." Sayaka said making Azure smile.

Many of the other girls added on to Sayaka words. They have never had such a difficult dance before. Latrice knew that she could easily be taught the dance. She liked the dance, like her Azure added different hip dances into her dance routine. 

"Thank you for giving your honest opinions. Can't wait to see the results." Azure smiled before sitting down.

They all gathered around to choose the Choreography. Even if Azure's dance was hard, she had three votes to Latrice's four votes. But in the end Latrice's dance was chosen. Her and Latrice walk back to the room. Kristen and Emma were inside the room. Emma was lying down on the couch as Kirsten was coming from the restroom.

"Hey, how did it go?" Kirsten asked.

"I got it, but it was the way that it happened." Latrice said as Azure sat on the other couch.

Latrice explained with Azure adding her two cents in. 

"And Azure a-s-s was like dancing is about rhythm and not a quick 5678 count". Latrice says laughing.

Kirsten almost screamed as Emma started to laugh at the girl.

"Now Azure- Girl what." Kirsten laughed.

"No cus listen, they a-s-s was basically talking down on her dance routine. Like it was better than some of them. One girl looked like she was getting electrified. So, I had to let them know. There are no eight counts unless you are with an artist. It's like they were getting mad at her because she didn't know the lyrics. I had to tell them she knows the lyrics but we both wanted our dance to be based on musicality and rhythm." Azure said as Kirsten nodded. 

Kirsten knew Azure was very protective of her crew. Kirsten was happy they could come together again to dance as a crew to show off their dance moves. Azure was always that kind of person. Caring when needed and protective when it was time. That's why she put her into the sub-leader division with Latrice. She knew that Azure would have Latrice's back once it was warranted. 

"Like they called my dance routine difficult and Redlic had the nerve to say I repeated some of my moves. I'm not like them. Me- Azure cut off pointing to herself.

"I could see her seething. She was the first person to say something." Latrice commented. 

"It was a amazing dance but they called it difficult." Latrice added. 

"We saw. I could hear most of the groups to awing and oohing at your part. It was amazing actually" Emma said as she continued to lay on the couch. 

"Even if I didn't get pick at least someone in our group was picked." Azure concluded. 

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